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Baseball | February 25, 2011

Hawks Lose Nail Biter to Marble Falls, 13-12

022211-215132-jeff-naborsThe Hawks started the season with a loss to the Marble Falls Mustangs last Tuesday night at the Hawk diamond, losing 13-12.

The Hawks lost there first game last year to the same team, but last year the game was a rout and this season the Hawks almost pulled the upset.

Canyon Lake has a very young team this year. In fact, you could make a case that the Varsity could qualify as a Jr. Varsity team.

This will put the Hawks fighting an uphill battle each game as the district race looms to start in the next few weeks.

“Someone had to win the game,” Head Coach Trent Dunavant said. “We knew this might happen.”

As Coach Dunavant talked about the defense.

The Hawks have players playing positions they have never played in competition. So to say that there might be some growing pains would be an understatement.

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The position that seems to be doing well is the pitching staff.

“Kyler Huff pitched an outstanding game tonight,” Dunavant continued. “Logan Felch did not get any plays for him.”

Pitchers can pitch a good game and still have many runs scored on them when the defense is not playing well. That was the situation last Tuesday for the Hawks in the loss.

The good news? How about Sophomore Michael Brady scoring three runs on two hits and driving in two runs.

Logan Felch getting two hits on three at bats and both of his hits going for doubles.

Sophomore Travis Walker also had two doubles and scoring three runs for the game.

These are good things happening for the team that will certainly help when the fielding starts to improve.

“We fought back,” Dunavant said. “We put pressure on Marble Falls with bunts and good at bats. We have got to use this game to find out on who plays well.”

The Hawks did lose, but a lot of good things happening for the team.
Canyon Lake finished last year with 14 wins and 14 losses. That record ended up with CL making it two rounds into the playoffs.

Wins are important, but the wins are more important later in the season versus the first of the season.

“We were tight and did not feel comfortable,” Coach Dunavant finished.

That happens when your team is as young as this team….they will be at least a couple of months older when they make a run in the playoffs.