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Coaches Corner, Softball | March 31, 2011

Coaches Corner with John Gallagher

coachjohngallagherReSporter: What are you looking for from the team the next round through District play?

Coach Gallagher: “More consistency in our offensive production, continued strong defensive effort, keeping errors to a minimum, and getting everyone to improve their knowledge of games situations.”

ReSporter: With the game being divided into three parts: Fielding—Hitting—Pitching…
What are some numbers you think you need to get to to be put in a position for winning or placing in the playoffs? (number of errors per game, hits per game, etc….)

Coach Gallagher: “Play error free ball, both physically and mentally. Hitting 300 plus as a team and get better production from top to bottom in the lineup. Limit walks and extra base hits from our pitcher.”

ReSporter: How do you base your practices each week?

ad_buddysCoach Gallagher: “We work on our hitting based on what we need work on from our last game, as well as who we are playing and the type of pitcher they have. We have a continual pattern of drills we work on each week. Defensively we do individual and team drills for fielding, throwing, and different situations a team might present. We also work on improving the mental aspects of a game.”

ReSporter: You have been a very successful coach, how do you rank this team with where they started the year based on how far they come this year so far?

Coach Gallagher: “I’m amazed at how far we have come as a team. It is hard to rank because during the off-season the players were so excited and energetic and that has carried over to the diamond. They have worked very hard to learn a new system and each player has contributed something to the team. I’m very proud of their work ethic, dedication, and confidence in themselves. These girls are very talented and hungry for a winning season.”