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Football | May 16, 2011

Evolution of the Running Game

Back in the days when the Hilltop Reporter was getting started, we scheduled a visit with Head Coach Matt Monzingo to find out all things Sports at Canyon Lake High School and specifically football.

While going over the offense with Coach Monzingo, the question was asked about the running game. The response from Coach Monzingo, “We did not have a running game last year.”

All the offensive stats coming from the Coaches that meeting revolved around the passing game.

The team with no seniors won one game that year. The record might have been a better if the running game would of been evident.

Two years ago the offense, was introduced to Sophomore Zach Henshaw. The 2009 season became a more rounded offense and in essence made the passing game better also.

The running game amassed over 1000 yards while the passing game kept pace with 2341 yards on 184 receptions, for 12.7 yards per reception average.

This past season the Hawks upped their ante with the running game doubling their amount to over 2000 yards with the help of Eduardo Covarrubias. Canyon Lake started the season with Henshaw nursing a summer injury and it still did not hinder the evolution of that part of the game.

The passing game did not have more yards than the previous year, but the 137 receptions did stay even for 12.7 yards per reception.

Now this year you will see the word Senior tacked on the name of Zach Henshaw and with that the expectation of greater outcomes for the 2011 campaign and the running game.

Henshaw improved his per carry average by a yard and a half from the previous year. He averaged 4.4 yards in ‘09 and 6.0 last year. Add to that, Covarrubias’ 6.2 average per carry, and you can only fuel the fire for the upcoming season for the ground game.

The increase for Henshaw can also be seen in that he rushed for 63 yards more than the previous year, but did that feat with 55 less carries.

The last four games in rushing yards, Henshaw ran for 771 yards.
127 Fredericksburg game
135 Bandera game
243 Burnet game
266 Somerset game
The yardage just got better as the games continued through the season.

Add Covarrubias rushing of 270 yards for the same games and you see the lethal one-two punch the Hawks can wreak havoc on opposing defenses.

That averages to 260 yards rushing per game the last four games. The record was 3-1 for that time frame with the loss a one point affair to Somerset in the second round of the playoffs.

If Henshaw and Covarrubias stay healthy and start the season on their game, then hopefully the offensive numbers will show an increase in rushing for the third consecutive year.

The team can take notice, that each time the rushing numbers increase, then the Hawks go longer in the playoffs. Now that is an evolution thesis that I can believe in.

The ReSporter continues throughout the Summer months to prime the Canyon Lake fan for the upcoming season….tell your friends about this website.