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Football | June 2, 2011

I Have Your ‘defensive’ Back

The Hawks were a victim of several long plays last year resulting in touchdowns.
In fact, Canyon Lake gave up a total of 32 touchdowns last season and eight of the 18 touchdowns by the run were from 17 yards are further out. (The longest was 97 yards)

The defense gave up 14 touchdowns by passing and 10 of those touchdowns were from 20 yards are further from the goal line.

Canyon Lake can attribute many of those plays based on lack of speed in the backfield.

“We have team speed on the corners this year,” Defensive Back Coach Cody Means said.

Think back to two years ago, when the Hawks had Eric Nelson and his 6’4 frame and speed to boot. You can find the young man playing for Mary Hardin Baylor and has a chance of starting this coming season for the Crusaders.

It is hard to coach height and the defensive backs to no ones fault lost several inches last season to the dreaded yard stick.

“We have a lot of depth this year,” Coach Means said. “(Casey)Coffee will be playing some corner this year and he has good feet and he is fast.”

Other players that were mentioned by Coach Means?

Daniel Camarillo, Doug Hubnik, Matt Magness, Matt Noyola, Eduardo Covarrubias, Brandon Berger, and Jeremy Best.

Most of the players above were running on one of the District Champion Relay teams this track season.

“Run or pass, these guys are good at both,” Coach Means said without reservation. “We will be better, because many of these players have games under their belt. They need a good Summer of work outs though.”

In answering the question on the break-a-way touchdowns last season, Coach Means reasoned, “We can recuperate with our speed this year and we couldn’t last season.”

The defensive backfield had half as many interceptions as the year before. That take away null hurt in several areas, the most glaring one being not letting the offense take the field earlier and stopping the drive of the opponent.

“We can’t be scared of making mistakes and having fun,” Coach Means continued. “We have a lot more risk takers with this crew.”

Talking about the Junior Varsity players coming up to Varsity, Coach Means explained. “They have to reestablish as players….the guys have to come in and need to establish themselves on the Varsity level.”

“Depth in the secondary will help with the competition,” Coach Means finished. “This will be our best in the last two years.”

Speed and depth will be the key for the Hawks and the maturation process will be fun to watch as this season approaches.

Coach Means is another one of the Coaches that is impressed with the work ethic of the players.

“These players put in extra work and come in early in the morning….this is like an event,” Coach Means said with conviction. “If we tell them to push a truck, then the boys will ask how many guys can they put in the back of the truck to make it more challenging.”

This defensive backfield will have each other’s back this season….and that is a good thing, especially when you are taking risks and having ‘fun’.