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Football, Player Profile | June 22, 2011

Offensive Lineman: Wes Dicks is Excited

Junior Right Guard Wes Dicks

Junior Right Guard Wes Dicks

The ReSporter wants to do enough articles on the offensive line that the fans can know these players like they might know the Quarterback or any of the other skilled positions.

The players and Coaches know that games are won in the trenches yet these are the players that are not at the head of the line when reporters are clamoring for interviews after hard fought games.

A hefty dose of one on one interviews with the offensive line throughout the rest of the Summer will be the only positions on the field that does not have a stat line that can be reported on.

The defensive line can record tackles, tackles for loss, and quarterback sacks to name a few. The offensive lineman can claim ‘pancake’ blocks, but you will never see that in the papers after a game.

Coach Wallen has eluded to the amount of depth the line will have this season and we think it would be good to introduce you to these players. If you stay vigilant through the process, then this coming fall season you won’t just watch the running back go through the line, you might also notice the hole the back ran through was formed by one of the young men we highlight.

The quarterback and running backs will both be happy for this development based on a happy lineman translating to happy skill players, coaches, fans, and a Mom and Dad.

Wes Dicks is one individual that commands your attention when he walks in the room. The 6’4” 270 pound man can take whatever he wants at my dinner table.

Dicks was on the undefeated Junior Varsity team and cleared the way for running back Casey Coffee while helping keep Branson Belcher and the quarterback’s jersey clean last season.

Asked about playing offensive line Dicks said, “I love it….it is intense and there are a lot of fights and every play is a war.”

“I have doubled almost all of my lifts since my freshman year,” the mammoth Dicks claimed. “We have a lot of talent coming up to replace the guys we lost last season.”

The Hawks finished third in District last year, but Dicks knew that the third place finish was based on pretty salty teams finishing ahead of the Hawks.

“We got one of the toughest Districts in State,” Dicks said. That claim can be seen as soon as the playoffs started and all three teams put a whipping on all comers. Wimberley and Navarro had another game against each other to pair the teams down in the fourth round of the playoffs.

And of course, you know the Hawks were only one yard shy of advancing past the Somerset Bulldogs.

Have you been excited about the upcoming season Wes? “Oh yeah! I got excited the day after the Somerset game.”

Getting excited would be a good thing for all fans to admonish. If you don’t? Then you might have the opportunity to meet Mr. Dicks and he can do some convincing.