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Coaches Corner, Football | July 22, 2011

Coaches Corner: Lloyd Fields-Bracken

Bracken Christian Warriors have a lot of work in front of them. The good thing about the upcoming season would be the view before the campaign starts.

The Warriors are looking at all of Division I football teams while being on top of the mountain. The view is great, but when the season gets going the team will be embarking on the 2011 Mountain and last year will be a memory.

“We had a veterans football team last year,” Head Coach Lloyd Fields said. “This year we have a lot of question and have to rebuild our defense.”

The BCS defense was pretty salty at the end of the year and the coaches will have four players no longer on the team through graduation. The Warriors did have the advantage of giving several other players several minutes of action.

Eli Achilles and Kevin Knapick are the only players to get significant playing time on that side of the ball. Grady Achilles can be counted on, but Coach Fields does not like to play Grady as much since he is so important to the offense.

Sophomore Conner Simmons and Preston Koch got some valuable minutes and then you have the return of Senior Pete Corey this season.

“Pete Corey got ninety percent of the snaps two years ago,” Coach Fields sighed. “Pete (Corey) will also help on the special teams.”

Corey finished with over 100 tackles two years ago, so hopefully he can shake off the rust and start off like he finished after a year break.

“The defense has the chance to be the quickest in Texas,” Fields said quickly. “I can use Grady Achilles when we need stops on fourth down and in crunch time.”

Speaking of Grady Achilles, the BCS offense might be better than last year’s team. Most of the players are back on that side of the ball and not having to replace as many players will give this part of the team more consistency.

The Warriors had a chance to play a lot of players last season and the drop off was not as drastic as one would think. Simmons has speed and rushed for 94 yards on just five carries and three touchdowns. Not bad for someone playing second team.

“Jordan McDaniel will be a pleasant surprise,” Fields admonished while looking at the size of the returning Senior split end.

So a quick recap for BCS as they enter into the two a day period in a few days.

Defense will need some time in the Chemistry room.

Offense should already have the Bunsen Burner on.

The crowd at the games might want to invest in some goggles.