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Football, Sport News | July 28, 2011

Flint Diaries

Bobby Flint

Bobby Flint

Bobby Flint will be off to San Angelo soon with a chance to continue playing football. The Angelo State University Rams will be the new stomping grounds for the recent graduated linebacker off the Canyon Lake team.

Flint will have an ongoing journal of what he has done and will do throughout his first year playing football at the College level.

This journal will be posted so others might take some lessons on what to expect if they take their skills to the next level. The ReSporter hopes you enjoy this feature.

The Column Begins:

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

As a sophomore playing varsity football against the hardest district, it was hard. The starting middle linebacker was out with a hurt knee and it was my time to step up and show the coaches what I was made of. As the first year of varsity for Canyon Lake went on the number of wins wasn’t great. No one thought much of the new 3A school from Canyon Lake. Though the record was 1-9, I ended the season with 115 tackles. The next year I helped the team get to the 1st round of playoffs with 146 tackles. With in two years I was able to obtain 261 tackles. Every where I went, mostly around school, I was asked, “ How do you get so many tackles?” and “Why are you so good at football?” I replied a few things, “I just do what my coaches teach me to do.” and “I can only do the things I do because God gives me the strength and power to do it.” Over these two years I acquired a name, nothing special, but none the less a name everyone came to know, Flint.

Two years after Canyon Lake has had their first season, its Flint’s senior year. As the year progressed Joshua 1:9 helped me stay strong and power through every obstacle in the season.  This year was different for the Hawks, it brought a lot of eyes to the small 3A school. The Hawks went to the second round of playoffs this year. Everything I did in my senior year was for the team. Every tackle was not so I could make my stats better, they were to make the team better. I ended the season with 175 and one interception. The end of my high school career, the last year as the Hawks  #36. I ended a great 4 years at Canyon Lake with 436 tackles.

Watching the replay of my last year as a Canyon Lake Hawk made the day turn grim. I grabbed the key to the truck to take my little brother to baseball practice. The ride was going to be hard thinking of the great memories I had as a Hawk. As we pulled into the baseball fields I checked my phone expecting a text, but no, just a missed call, a call that never made a sound. Expecting just another telemarketer I listened to the voice mail. “Bobby Flint, this is Coach Walton the Defensive Coordinator and linebacker coach for the Angelo State Rams,” My heart dropped, I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, the ASU Rams have a spot on the team for me to walk on this fall. I quickly returned the call and Coach Walton explained to me how, “There is one more walk-on spot and we would like for you to have it.” When I heard that I confirmed that I was attending Angelo State and I was going to take the open walk-on spot.  Once again its time for Bobby Flint to work for a spot on the game field.