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Sport News, Volleyball | August 17, 2011

BCS Volleyball continues to see progress in Win

The Bracken Christian Warriors Volleyball team continued their climb for a successful season as they beat San Marcos Hill Country Rams, 25-20, 25-18, and 25-15, last Tuesday night at the Warriors gym.

The Warriors continue to improve as the passing and rotation of the players has started to settle in.

“We (BCS) are swinging and playing really aggressive,” Head Coach Shaunna Teuton said. “The team is getting confident, we have the chance to be really strong this year and we have a chance to do something good.”

The Warriors started sluggish, as the first game found BCS down 5-9. Then the serving picked up a notch as Amanda Morgan started a rally that would have the Bracken in the lead for the rest of the evening.

This is a very young team and the freshman came to the forefront to put the finishing touches on the Rams.

Freshman Hannah Moore was inserted in the third game and immediately responded with some very solid serves and increased the 16-13 lead to 20-14, and any hope for the visitors to stage a victory was dashed.

“I was just excited,” the freshman (Moore) that has not even been to class yet said. “I know what I have to do and what the team needs.”

Moore, coupled with outside hitter, freshman Briana Martinez looked very accomplished in the young season.

Martinez was nails from the serving line as she dominated Hill Country, having two rallies with nine or more points to finish off the Rams.

Bracken Christian will continue this weekend, playing in the Boerne Geneva Tournament.

Stats:  BCS (3-1) defeated HCCA-San Marcos

        25-20, 25-18, 25-15

Kills:   Amanda Morgan  10

Assists: Becky Korkosz  12

Digs:    Payton Stanush 16

Blocks:  Bailey Beene    1

Aces:    Briana Martinez 3