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Football, Sport News | August 11, 2011

Bracken refuses to play Bracken

Bracken Christian hitting the dummies

Bracken Christian hitting the dummies

The Bracken Christian Warriors will not play BCS this year once the scrimmages start this Friday.

“The kids are tired of practices,” Head Coach Lloyd Fields said. “This is the chance to prove what you can do.”

The Warriors will be playing Lometa and look forward to having the chance of hitting someone that they don’t know. Bracken will be looking for the chance of seeing where the team stacks up against a team that finished 7-4 last season in the UIL division.

The first scrimmage is important for the Coaches in evaluating what has transpired up to this point of the work outs and the understanding the players have taken from the nuances the coaches have installed.

“The first first scrimmage is the most informative,” Coach Fields continued. “We will find out how far we have come and how far we need to go.”

The scrimmage will have 100 snaps where the team will alternate between offense and defense. Coach Fields thinks the the starters will get 60 snaps with the rest being handled with the back-ups.

BCS will be embarking on a season where they will be looked upon from their competitors as the highlighted team. You know the type of teams where the opponents have marked or circled the BCS logo on the schedule waiting to see if they can make a name for themselves.

“Offensively, we have the potential to do pretty good,” Fields fielded. “This is the best crop of receivers we have ever had and we have a stable of running backs that are the best.”

The Warriors are looking forward to the chance to hit someone else and exact some pain. The first chance will be this Friday.

When asked what team the defense and offense look like based on the teams Bracken played last year, Coach Fields stated. “The defense remind me of Heritage, but we still have some evaluating of a couple of players. For the offense we won’t play that team, because Bracken is not on our schedule.”

The number of records and accomplishments are from last season and now it will be time for the next chapter. The Coaches will be watching closely so they can make sure the team is on the right track.