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Football, Sport News | August 1, 2011

Bracken’s First Day of Practice (in) Shapes Up

The Bracken Christian Warriors have started the climb to their second State Championship today.

Last year’s season has now become a distant memory as the morning heat swept this new Warriors team into shape for another Championship run.

“We had a good first day of practice,” Head Coach Lloyd Fields said. “Nobody got hurt.”

Coach Fields is not at his first rodeo and knows all to well on how to prepare a team for another run for the prize. “We won last year because of what we did in August, not what we did in November or December,” Fields reiterated.

There has been three months since spring practice and the Coaches come into the first week with certain ideas of what they would like to accomplish.

“The kids came in shape,” Coach Fields said excitedly. “Twelve teams can repeat (as Champions) and we are one of them.”

When asked what and who impressed the first day, Coach Fields mentioned several players.

“Coy Zunker came in and impressed us,” Fields continued. “He caught our eye and every pass thrown to him. Zunker is just a freshman.”

With the loss of four Seniors from last year’s team the Warriors will be moving some chess pieces around to find out how they can attack the upcoming season.

Conner Simmons will be moving up from the defensive backfield in the x-backer where Jeremy Johnson played last year.

Austin Wilkerson is a new player in from Smithson Valley that played defensive back for the Rangers. Wilkerson will play in the BCS backfield at cornerback, and will be adding some more speed as he takes the place of Joe Lonigros old position.

“Peter Corey was looking pretty good,” Coach Fields quipped. “He came back in shape.”

You can already see the common word for Coach Fields, it revolves around the words, “In Shape”.

Eighteen players showed up for the first day and now the quest begins.

More updates upcoming on this site. Tell your friends and make sure you are in shape for the work out.