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Sport News, Volleyball | August 19, 2011

CL loses to Mikesky Sisters otherwise known as Schulenburg

The Canyon Lake Hawks ran into a Mikesky (other synonym ‘Buzz Saw’) last Friday night at the Hawk gym, 14-25, 20-25, and 17-25.

The Mikesky sisters dominated the night in every statistical category but blocks in the game. The older sister will be heading to play at Florida University next year and the younger sister is just a freshman.

“She (L. Mikesky) was a hitter,” middle hitter Katie Williams said. “She had a big arm.”

Williams was inspired by the competition and played one of her best games of the season.

“I was focusing on blocking and that was a big aspect in the game,” Junior Williams surmised. “We had to step it up on hitting and the competition brought out the best in my game.”

The question for Williams now is to see what can motivate her in the other games so she can dominate in for the rest of the season. You could tell that the potential is there.

“The rest of the team did the same thing and started playing up to the competition,” Williams closed. “We will continue to improve this season.”

The game was not in the home teams favor, but the sticktoitivness made for an impressive game for Canyon Lake.

“The girls started playing after the first game,” Head Coach Nicole Creek said shaking her head. “That first game was a stunner.”

“She (Mikesky) was the best player I have coached against….ever,” Creek praised. “We did a good job of in game adjustments. I had to move Katie and Amber (Ramsey)  over to the right to help block and in doing that we had girls playing the middle that had not played there before.”

The Hawks continue to prepare for District play and last year CL started that part of the season right at .500 and proved their worth by making the playoffs.

Time will tell if Canyon Lake can achieve in that same vain this year.

Game Stats:

 Kills: L. Mikesky 24, Conner 6.
 Assists: S. Mikesky 38.
 Aces: L. Mikesky 7
 Digs: Guentert 11, L. Mikesky 8
 Blocks: Walker 3, Conner 3.

 Canyon Lake
 Kills: Katie Williams 7, Marisa Ellis 3, Amber Ramsey 3.
 Assists: Ellis 7, Missy Romero 7.
 Aces: Romero 2, Ellis 1.
 Digs: Amber West 5, Jackie Salazar 5, Caitlyn Valadez 4.
 Blocks: Williams 2.