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Football, Player Profile | August 23, 2011

Pre Game with Defensive End Alex Kemp

Senior Defensive End Alex Kemp

Senior Defensive End Alex Kemp

This Summer the Hilltop ReSporter had a series of profiles on players, with Alex Kemp being the first one out of the shoot. The ReSporter would like to have a series of talks to players the week before the game where the discussion will be about the season and games played.

Kemp started the workouts a month ago sick. The illness put the All-District Defensive End a few pounds lighter and behind the other players.

“I’m about 75% strength wise right now,” Senior Kemp started. “I am still about six to seven pounds off from the time I was sick.”

The answer on how the game will go this Friday was not a surprise, “We’re going to beat Blanco.”

Short and too the point. That happens a lot when you have a player that finished with nine sacks last season. The ‘point’ in this case will usually be the quarterback.

“We have a lot more leadership and the team chemistry is the best I’ve seen…there has not been any fights or skirmishes and we are playing as brothers,” Kemp refereed.

On how the younger players are fitting in, Kemp assessed, “When I was a Junior, I was so nervous the first part of the game, but after the first plays got going, then I started getting my momentum.”

Kemp will be the player that you will need to pay attention to as the game progresses. If the young man is spending the majority of the time in the opponents backfield, then you will know that the defense is in the process of letting the offense back on the field.

When asked about the upcoming game, the first of the season, Kemp was to the point once again, “It will be game time, it’s the man across from you.”

To the point is what the Hawks hope to see all season long from the strong side book end for Canyon Lake.