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Sport News, Volleyball | August 25, 2011

Volleyball: BCS get Signature Win

The climb up the mountain just had an extra boost for the young but talented BCS Volleyball team last Tuesday night at SACS.

The Lions are certainly a couple of classes ahead of the team from Bulverde, but the result was a true confidence builder.

The Warriors had just had a disappointing showing at the Geneva Tournament. The simple fact that Payton Stanush the libero for the team was at her sister’s wedding might have had a decent reason for the showing.

One of the happenings as a result of Stanush not being in attendance would be the rest of the team playing through the missing link and using that for an improvement when the team would be at full strength again.

The first game was all SACS, as the 25-15 score would indicate the proverbial deer in the headlights scenario. The Warriors were down 20-24 in the third game when the lights were turned off (the deer) and BCS rallied and won 26-24.

Guess who was serving during the rally? Payton Stanush.

“We are a stronger team this year,” Head Coach Shaunna Teuton surmised after being asked where the team was in comparison from the previous year. “I don’t know how the ‘chemistry’ word evolves, but the change between the weekend and tonight was a team with good chemistry.”

The visiting BCS squad certainly had a way of seeing how quiet the gym could get as the Warriors controlled the last two games and a fun ride home after the hard fought contest.

This might have been the epiphany moment and that ‘signature’ win the program needed after losing so many players two years ago from the State Championship teams.

Now the question for the rest of the season…make sure the signature win does not turn into the handwriting of a Doctor and becomes the penmanship that all the English teachers would love to read.

BCS (6-4) vs. SACS
 15-25, 25-19, 26-24, and 25-22
 Kills: Amanda Morgan    18
 Assists: Becky Korkosz  20
 Digs: Payton Stanush    21
 Blocks: Parker Bolton      2
 Aces: Amanda Morgan     2