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Game Article, Sport News, Volleyball | September 6, 2011

Hawks Beat Llano, sets sights on District Play

Middle Hitter Amber Ramsey

Middle Hitter Amber Ramsey

Canyon Lake Volleyball team overcame first game jitters and won the last three games to win the match against Llano at Hawk gym.

The games would give you the idea that Llano would be the dominant team, 19-25, 26-24, 25-21, and 25-19.

The Hawks could not get out of the daze they were in to start the game and only had one rally of four points. The problem was the rally was on their last serve after being down 15-24.

The second game continued the Llano onslaught when the Yellowjackets scored the first four points securing another lead. The Hawks found themselves down 12-17 when the transformation happened.

Don’t know how, but the team that had played up to that point became focused and had a different resolve.

Sophomore Amber Ramsey and Katie Williams were both relentless as they corrected the previous mistakes and turned the table on Llano.

“My teammates kept cheering me on,” Ramsey stated. “We started running ‘quicks’ and we are good when they (Llano) are not used to them.”

Quicks happen when the setter (Marissa Ellis) sets the ball right to the hand of the hitter after that same player is jumping at the same time. The result is a much quicker spike for the team.

Williams also had an epiphany after the first game and you could tell that her spikes were now controlling Llano instead of the Yellowjackets controlling the nets.

“We came in too comfortable,” Outside Hitter Williams volleyed. “I wasn’t having a good hit in the first game, and then Coach (Creek) did a good job of getting us better. We just got to pick it up.”

Marissa Ellis was once again started to dominate in every statistical area. Try these numbers for the all around player: 34 assists, 4 blocks, 5 aces, and 11 digs.

The game had a complete turnaround with the final score being the same as what Llano  started on the Hawks. This time CL had a 23-14 lead and coasted to the 25-19 game final.

Canyon Lake will now start their quest for another playoff spot as District play begins this Friday at home against Navarro.

“We are going to step it up,” Ramsey concluded. “We want to dominate Navarro.”

Freshman and Junior Varsity start at 5:00pm with the Varsity playing at 6:30pm.

Canyon Lake Stats:
 Game: 19-25, 26-24, 25-21, 25-19

 Kills:      Katie Williams 16, Amber Ramsey 14
 Assists: Marisa Ellis 34
 Blocks:  Amber Ramsey 4.5, Marisa Ellis 4
 Aces:    Marisa Ellis 5, Missy Romero 4, Caitlyn Valadez 4
 Digs:    Missy Romero 27, Marisa Ellis 11, Caitlyn Valadez 9