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Game Article, Track & Field | March 10, 2012

CL Runs to the Bus at the Tivy Antler Relays in Kerrville

Canyon Lake Boy’s and Girl’s Track Teams will have a week off after getting a cold

Marisa Ellis Reaching New Heights

Marisa Ellis Reaching New Heights

reception in Kerrville for the Antler’s Relays last Thursday night.

“It was FREEZING!!! 45 degrees and 20-30 mph winds not a good day for track,” Head Girls Coach Lacey Lambert said. “Before it got too cold… Marisa Ellis broke school records in the triple jump with 36’6” shattering the previous record as well as jumping 5’3” in high jump.”

Track is one sport where wearing more clothes will give you slower times. Football has pads and lots of exertion, where Track teams rely on less weight on the body so they can maximize their events.

Coach Lambert was very excited with some of the younger athletes, “JV Freshman Grace Allen also triple jumped for the first time and won with a jump of 31’7”.  Hayley Melone jumped 14’ in the JV long jump as well.”

There were other events that were changed up for the Hawks, “We did not run Varsity relays this week due to injuries, so Collins, Helmke, and Graves ran in the open races.  Collins placed 4th in the 400 and 5th in the 200. Helmke placed 4th in the 200.  Graves just missed out from scoring points in the 800 running a time of 2:36 in a very competitive event.  Emily Roach also ran her best time of the year in the 100 with a time of 13.2.  The JV 800 relay got 3rd place,” Coach Lambert warmly. “Considering the conditions the girls ran great,  it takes a lot of toughness to get out there and compete in that type of weather. I was extremely proud of them.”

The Boy’s Track team also wanted back on the bus, but several athletes did have a decent Meet.

Jordan Anderson was only .01 of a second off his best 100 Meter Run as he finished second with a time of 10.81. Casey Coffee also had his best time of the season placing fourth with a time of 11.41.

Anderson also tied his best Long Jump flying for 21 feet.

Canyon Lake Boys also won the 4×200 Relay beating several schools larger than the Hawks.

Marcus Bolles had a 13 foot Pole Vault in the wind which also can be categorized as remarkable.

The fastest times however were timed as the Athletes sprinted to the Bus after their events were over.

Both the Boys and Girls will be on the cinders in Wimberley March 22nd. The Meet will start at 3:30pm for the short drive to see some good CL Athletes.

 Canyon Lake Athletes that Placed: Girls
 Name            Event           Time/Distance   JV/Var
 6. Roach        100M Dash       13.27           Varsity
 5. Collins      400M Dash       65.01           Varsity
 4. Helmke       200M Dash       28.45           Varsity
 5. Collins      200M Dash       28.79           Varsity
 1. Ellis        High Jump       5’2”            Varsity
 5. Simmons      Shot Put        31’9”           Varsity
 1. Ellis        Triple Jump     36’6”           Varsity
 5. Canyon Lake  4x100 Relay     56.62           J.V.
 4. Flint        100M Hurdles    18.41           J.V.
 3. Canyon Lake  4x200 Relay     2:00.12         J.V.
 5. Flint        300M Hurdles    56.94           J.V.
 6. Guerra       200M Dash       30.64           J.V.
 4. Malone       Long Jump       14’10”          J.V.
 6. Best         Shot Put        26’6”           J.V.
 1. Allen        Triple Jump     31’7.75”        J.V.

 Canyon Lake Athletes that Placed: Boys
 2. Anderson     100M Dash       10.81           Varsity
 4. Coffee       100M Dash       11.41           Varsity
 1. Canyon Lake  4x200 Relay     1:33.95         Varsity
 4. Anderson     400M Dash       53.23           Varsity
 3. Anderson     Long Jump       21’0”           Varsity
 3. Bolles       Pole Vault      13’0”           Varsity
 5. McNair       Shot Put        41’7.5”         Varsity
 6. Branson      Triple Jump     37’7.5”         Varsity
 5. Canyon Lake  4x100 Relay     47.96           J.V.
 3. Irby         110M Hurdles    17.76           J.V.
 4. Coco         110M Hurdles    18.03           J.V.
 1. Walker       100M Dash       11.55           J.V.
 3. Canyon Lake  4x200 Relay     1:40.95         J.V.
 4. Walker       400M Dash       58.10           J.V.
 4. Walker       200M Dash       24.56           J.V.
 5. Canyon Lake  4x400 Relay     4:00.32         J.V.
 1. Irby         Discus Throw    116’2”          J.V.
 2. Irby         High Jump       5’2”            J.V.
 3. Aldrepe      High Jump       5’2”            J.V.
 4. Pfaff        High Jump       5’0”            J.V.
 4. Saenz        Shot Put        37’2”           J.V.