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Baseball, Sport News | April 16, 2012

Canyon Lake Random Baseball Thoughts

Canyon Lake is now in the twilight of the 2011-12 season and a little more

Junior Leftfielder Kyler Huff

Junior Leftfielder Kyler Huff

time will make a lot of difference in what you are seeing now and what might be unveiled next season.

A young CL Baseball team continues to learn the game against older and more experienced teams. What fans need to notice in this sport is that the improvement might not be on the scoreboard, but rather between the ears.

The continued reps for Freshman, Sophomores and Juniors, is what has a chance of turning around the last two campaigns and having another chance for the playoffs.

There are four solid Juniors playing that can hopefully mold a group of underclassman before the first pitch is thrown next season.

Travis Walker is the leader in almost every statistical category for Canyon Lake. It seems he has been a part of the team since his eighth grade year.

Walker is a very solid fielder, and has been primarily at first base this year. Walker also has played behind the plate, third base, and pitcher for the Hawks. He has hovered around the .400 batting average most of this season.

Logan Felch has had several hard luck outings as pitcher, but he has shown the most promise at that position this season.

Felch has been thrown into the outfield recently to plug holes, but his passion and love for the sport has been very noticeable. He also has power at bat and always has a chance of keeping a game interesting.

Ask Bandera about how he can make a comfortable game become a nail biter.

Michael Brady has been solid as catcher and has several opposing Coaches rethinking how they will run the bases. Brady has thrown out his share of base runners, but his most endearing contribution is picking off runners that roam away from their base.

Brady has also had an on base percentage well over .400 this season as he not only can reach base by a hit, but also has worked a walk off many a pitcher in several games thus far and keeping an inning going.

We can’t forget Kyler Huff, who also has been lending a solid glove to the outfield, while working from the mound.

Huff has the best era for the pitching staff and has now been moved up in the batting order to keep a rally going for a big inning.

Now consider the Freshman-Sophomores that are playing in every other area of the diamond.

Also, think about how this group of students were playing last season and you have to be impressed with how this group of players will be with another year of strengthening and maturity.

The Junior Varsity played in the championship game in Boerne over the week-end. Think about adding all the Freshman/Sophomores that presently play on the varsity and you would have a pretty salty team giving us much anticipation for the upcoming season.

So, as you glance out onto the field and you see a the Hawks on the losing end of a score, 7-2…don’t forget that this team for the most part is playing against a stacked deck and it will only be a matter of time when this group of players will rise back to the top. And catch up in the age game.

Also, don’t forget that Dylan Adams, being the only Senior has played his heart out. Adams has played great defense at third base…they don’t call it the ‘hot box’ for nothing.

Enjoy watching the game and remember that this team will grow up and when it does, you will be impressed. It just takes some more time or age.