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Football, Player Profile, Sport News | August 12, 2012

BCS: Versatile Davis Scott ready for the Season

Many times what you hope will happen can get changed and coaches need to reach into

Junior Davis Scott ready for new role

their bag of tricks to see if something new might work.

Bracken Christian had that scenario come about when practice started last week. Six-man football is the game of choice for the Warriors simply because the number of boys available to play the sport.

Hence, it does not take many changes in a summer to start the dominoes falling and causing angst among the coaches and team.

The best way to stop the domino effect is by having players that can step into different roles at the drop of a helmet.

Junior Davis Scott will be that player this year as he will change from his Center position to running back. Scott had six carries last season from the Center position and he gained 36 yards.

Scott made his mark on the defensive side gaining All State honors last season as a defensive end.

“I’m a little shocked,” Scott said shockingly. “I am also very excited and I will do whatever the team needs me to do.”

BCS lost both of their main running backs last season with Ehren Jacobson and Grady Achilles. These two runners covered 2,173 yards a year ago and scored 48 touchdowns on the ground.

Pressure? “I will play to the best of my ability,” Scott commented as he walked to a team meeting after practice last week. “I’m excited about this year and I will practice for a specific reason…for the opportunity to improve no matter how good you are.”

Bracken will continue to play the musical chairs mantra as they ready themselves for a new season.

Last season, Grady Achilles was so valuable on the offensive side of the line, that Coaches were very selective on when they moved him to defense. The move was more out of not wanting an injury and to help keep this athlete fresh for the whole game.

Bracken will now have that same quandary of either playing Scott less on defense to help him to be a game changer in the fourth quarter or let him loose on the defensive end slot and hopefully becoming a game changer from that end.

Tough decisions, but based on this players can do attitude, the decision should be easier in helping those decisions.

“Take care of each week and work as hard as I can,” Scott finished with resolve. “All the Glory goes to God and I know I can handle it.”

I Corinthians 9:22 says it best when Paul said that he must become all things to all people.

Davis Scott who was once a Center on last year’s team has now become the tailback for this year’s team and he now has a chance to see if the scripture can inspire him to new heights.