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Coaches Corner, Football | October 18, 2012

Drum Beat: Coach Charley Drum

The ReSporter: You are facing a team this week that lost a player that was a do everything type of player, how do you prepare in a situation like that?

Coach Drum: “They (Bandera) has had an extra week to prepare, they might be unpredictable but they still need the win to still have a chance in the district race.”

The ReSporter: Tell us what you thought about getting back on the winning side of a game this past week?

Coach Drum: “We did some personel changes and asked some Seniors to step it up. We were like a dog backed into the corner and we just needed to get that confidence back.”

The ReSporter: Based on all those learning experiences this team had to start this season, did you see any of those learned lessons in the game last week?

Head Coach Charley Drum

Coach Drum: “A lot of kids have gotten better, but we still need more consistency and get our running game going again….but we have a better team Chemistry and different dynamics.”

The ReSporter: What was your thoughts after watching and thinking about your game with Fredericksburg?

Coach Drum: “We played a more physical game last week, but we will need to work on stopping the run while also getting our running game going again.”

The ReSporter: Talk about your run game and how that will enhance your passing?

Coach Drum: “We have to balance it out, but if our running game can step it up, then we can make the teams we play having to balance their secondary and then it will become more vanilla.”

The ReSporter: What do you mean balanced secondary?

Coach Drum: “We have two players that can stretch the field and opponents will have to respect the run as well as try to control our passing game will not allow the defense to load up on one or two players.”

The ReSporter: Running back Eduardo Covarrubias seemed to be much stronger in the second half last week?

Coach Drum: “He got his sea legs back…he hadn’t played in a while. He is a more lead by example player and if he runs like that for a whole game then we will be ok.”

The ReSporter: Thanks Coach, looking forward to seeing how this next game unfolds….good luck.