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Football, Pre/Game | October 22, 2012

Pre/Game: BCS (6-1) @ CASA (0-6) 7:30PM

History: Bracken Christian leads series with CASA, 4-0.
 2008  BCS  58   CASA  13
 2009  BCS  64   CASA  19
 2010  BCS  50   CASA  00
 2011  BCS  74   CASA  06
This Year's Results:
 BCS 56  Austin Hill Country 06    CASA  06  Seguin Lifegate  54
 BCS 66  Sugar Land Logos    20    CASA  18  SA Town East     64
 BCS 60  Brenham Christian   12    CASA  50  SA FEAST         83
 BCS 56  Boerne Geneva       58    CASA  56  Bastrop Tribe    84
 BCS 58  SA Lutheran         00    CASA  06  Kerrville OLH    54
 BCS 98  Gustine             56    CASA  00  SA The Winston   45
 BCS 53  SA The Winston      08

The ReSporter could only find names of three players for CASA and nothing else about games played or Stats for those games.

After this week’s game you will still know nothing about any players and only have one game of Stats for this team.

Take the total score of the four games played and you would have a good indication of what this outcome will be.

Bracken Christian 246 CASA 38

Every game has been a ‘Mercy’ game. Take the average of the total points above and you should have what the final score will be this Friday.

Bracken Christian 62 CASA 08

BCS has three more games this season to play and non of the remaining games will be a game where you will need to stay longer than a half.

The only game that both teams has played was SA The Winston.

The Winston won their game with CASA 45-00. BCS beat The Winston 53-08. You can do the math.

This is the part of  the season for learning what other players can do and also to keep the regulars sharp for the Playoffs.

Bracken does need to work on their defense in comparison to past teams for this time of the schedule.

 Points Allowed with seven games played.
 2012    2011    2010    2009    2008
 160     086     077     164     169
 Points Scored with seven games played.
 2012    2011    2010    2009    2008
 447     451     395     336     288

Scoring more points will not translate to a more potent offense in 6-man football. What that really means is that the offense had to score more points to stay in the game or to get to a 45 point mercy game.

Bracken has a huge problem with their bonus points after scoring a touchdown. That part of their game will need to improve in order for this Warrior team to go deep into the playoffs.

Going for a one point conversion will need to be more automatic and then hope that your opponent does not have a 100% chance of converting their scores.

Boerne Geneva is the best ‘Test Tube’ example of what can happen with this part of the game breaking down.

The Warriors scored more touchdowns in this game, yet still lost by two points, when their kicker was perfect for that game.

Will Bracken win this game? Yes.

Will Bracken learn some more about certain situations that might come into play for future games? That is their hope, as these games can give you ideas for future games.

Bracken Christian Warriors have lost two games the last two years, by a total of six points. Not a lot of margin for error. Almost razor thin and that is what makes these games very important.

If Bracken can keep from razor thin games, then maybe some facial hair will be the result.

Here’s hoping for some good growth in that department. If it works out, then BCS can play into Thanksgiving time and Christmas would be right around the corner.

Coach Lloyd Fields can have another job for that season too! Ho…Ho…Ho!!