Lady Hawks Triple Their Pleasure at the Hawk Relays
The Canyon Lake Lady Hawks continue to impress this Track Season as they finished 5th with

Trena Lorett Jumping and Scoring for CL
their Varsity while the Junior Varsity finished in 3rd only behind Canyon and Hays.
First off the Hawks had Marisa Ellis match her high jump best, but she also had her best Triple Jump of the season going over that 37 foot barrier.
Canyon Lake might change their name to Canyon (we can Triple Jump over the) Lake High School soon.
Between the Varsity and JV teams Canyon Lake totaled 42 points in that one event. Another way to calculate this Feat is in traveling 203.11 Feet or over 2/3 of a football field.
Here are their Finish from Top to Bottom: Marisa Ellis 37'3.75 Mariah Ellis 33'11.5 Trena Lorett 33'3.5 Bailey Drum 32'5 Halley McKnight 31'11 Sydney Reibschlager 31'9.75
Now back to other great efforts on the cinders by Canyon Lake.
Varsity 1600 Meter Relay brought their time down over nine seconds and would of finished in 4th Place at the Regions last year.
The Varsity scratched on their 200 Meter Relay and missed out on some points in that event. A decent finish and the Hawks could of passed Wimberley for third place. Those girls will get that in order next time they get in their blocks.
This is the most impressive Girls Junior Varsity Team in CL’s short history.
Take a look: Top Three Finishes Event Name Time/Distance Place 400 Meter Dash Molly McIntire 64.67 First 100 M Hurles Sydney Reibschlager 17.09 First Bailey Drum 18.64 Third 300 M Hurdle Bailey Drum 53.02 Second Triple Jump Bailey Drum 32'5 Second Halley McKnight 31'11 Third 100 Meter Relay 53.93 Second Kelby Gonzales Halley McKnight Molly McIntire Sydney Reibschlager 400 Meter Relay 4:27.22 First Bailey Drum Gabby Sanchez Halley McKnight Kelby Gonzales
This is getting to the fun time of year when District Finals loom around the corner and these athletes start to focus on that finish line.
Good Luck!
Varsity Team Finish Jr Varsity Team Finish
Team Points Team Points
Hays 131 Canyon 122
Dripping Springs 107 Hays 122
Wimberley 93 Canyon Lake 107
Canyon 81 Boerne Geneva 71
Canyon Lake 79 Wimberley 56
Lockhart 78 Austin Waldorf 37
Blanco 46 Dripping Springs 28
Somerset 2 San Marcos CC 26
Austin Waldorf 0 Blanco 18
Boerne Geneva 0 Somerset 17
San Marcos CC 0 Lockhart 7
Trinity Christian 0 Trinity Christian 0
Varsity Results Junior Varsity 200 Meter Dash 400 Meter Dash Grace Allen 27.95 5th Molly McIntire 64.67 1st Savannah Hernandez 68.62 4th 400 Meter Dash Hannah Graves 63.26 4th 100 M Hurdles Sydney Reibschlager 17.09 1st High Jump Bailey Drum 18.64 3rd Marisa Ellis 5'2 1st 300 M Hurdles Long Jump Bailey Drum 53.02 2nd Trena Lorett 15'8.5 2nd Sydney Reibschlager 54.03 5th Marisa Ellis 15'1.25 6th Long Jump Triple Jump Halley McKnight 14'3 4th Marisa Ellis 37'3.75 1st Mariah Ellis 33'11.5 2nd Triple Jump Trena Lorett 33'3.5 3rd Bailey Drum 32'5 2nd Halley McKnight 31'11 3rd Shot Put Sydney Reibschlager 31'9.75 4th Kaelin Simmons 31'4 4th Discus Discus Caitlyn Mabry 71'6 6th Kaelin Simmons 93'5 5th 400 Meter Relay 4:27.22 1st 4x400 Meter Relay 4:10.53 1st Bailey Drum Amber Ramsey Gabby Sanchez Brookelynn Helmke Halley McKnight Mariah Ellis Kelby Gonzales Hannah Graves 200 Meter Relay 1:56.97 4th 4x100 Meter Relay 52.50 5th Gabby Sanchez Brookelynn Helmke Halley McKnight Grace Allen Kelby Gonzales Mariah Ellis Molly McIntire Trena Lorett 100 Meter Relay 53.93 2nd Kelby Gonzales Halley McKnight Molly McIntire Sydney Reibschlager