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Football, Game Article | September 21, 2013

Bracken Warriors Bag the Jags, 34-27

Bracken Christian Bagged the Jags on Saturday night in a nail biter, 34-27.

Senior Quarterback Sam Hilgendorf

Senior Quarterback Sam Hilgendorf

“This game hinged on three key plays,” Head Coach Lloyd Fields fielded. “The last drive we had showed we have character, we had two tough series near the end of the game on offense and defense, and all of our young man played well.”

This game started with a two play drive from the feet of Running Back Noah Boriack when he had his first run go for 52 yards and helping the Warriors draw first blood.

Boriack would end this game with 5 touchdown runs and that will put him with some pretty good company in BCS lore.

 Five or More TD Runs      Number     Year Graduated
 Grady Achilles            14         2011
 Eli Achilles               4         2012
 David Martinez             1         2009
 Noah Boriack               1         Current

Bracken also has discovered the forward pass as they passed their yardage for the year in this game and also passed (pardon the pun) their attempt per game totals.

Defensively, Bracken stopped this Jaguar team on their first three drives which allowed the Warriors to score twice and take a 12 point lead.

In the first quarter this season, BCS has outscored their opponents, 64-8. Which averages to a, 16-2 first quarter score.

So why was it so hard for the Warriors to Bag these Jags?

a) Missing wide open passes. During their third drive.
b) A take away fumble after Preston Koch had caught a pass and was fighting for extra yardage to Emery-Weiner’s 10 yard line.
c) Another fumble on Bracken’s first drive of the fourth quarter hanging onto a 26-20 lead.
d) Penalties that allowed Jaguar’s drives to get easy yardage and keep drives alive.

Bracken also had some key plays that helped get this victory.

The Interceptor Coy Zunker

The Interceptor Coy Zunker

a) How about Coy Zunker’s interception down on Bracken’s 6 yard line.

“The ball was wobbly and they had run that play a lot,” Zunker said coyly. “It took a while for the ball to come down and I was able to make the catch…this was a tough game and we played with a lot of heart.”

That interception was E-W first drive after Bracken had broken the tie with a Boriack 5 yard touchdown run.

b) Sam Hilgendorf passes to Jeff Camp for 40 and 35 yards. Another important aspect to Hilgendorf’s game is his blocking skills which can help those running backs respond with more yardage.

“Cut blocks are essential on sweeps,” Hilgendorf used his broom. “You just need to throw yourself at their feet.”

Both passing plays were accomplished on first play drives which set up the Warriors for two scores later in those series.

“Both passes were suppose to be go routes,” Hilgendorf stayed focused. “I rolled out and wanted to get the ball high enough to get over their linebacker…I’m getting more confident with my passes and that is helping me play better.”

c) John Colby runs and tackles.

This player was a monster on the field as he had The ReSporter glad no one was throwing a ball to the Press Box so Colby wouldn’t come up to tackle said person.

When asked if he thought the Jaguars were aware of his place on the field, “I hope so,” Colby said. “It is fun playing with my best friends.”

d) Preston Koch getting tough rushing yardage but more than that, was his defensive play to start the first quarter and also when Koch came in to help in Emery-Weiner’s last drive to tie or take the lead.

“I went to coach and asked him to put me in there and I will do what we needed to do,” Koch said. “They were big up front and this win was good for us as we go to our camp next week….I would much rather be 3-1 than 2-2.”

Koch had the ability to reach past the comfort zone for the E-W’s quarterback which hurried passes and resulted in three incompletions on that last drive.

“You have to pick and choose and when we want to use Goober (Koch) on defense,” Coach Fields stated.

e) Finally Boriack had 27 carries for 216 yards and you could tell that this young man was giving it all on the field as this game was in it’s finishing act. (He was tired)

“In the second half, they (Jaguars) started shooting the gaps so I had to make something happen,” Boriack said. “This game defines us as a team that doesn’t quit and is full of will.”

Once again, Boriack is in rarified air as only Grady and Eli Achilles had totaled that many carries in a game.

 Name            Carries     Yards      Game               Year
 Eli Achilles      33        221        Abilene Christian  2012
 Grady Achilles    27        307        Kerrville OLH      2010
 Grady Achilles    27        245        Dallas Covenant    2010
 Noah Boriack      27        216        Emery-Weiner       2013

Now we go to the fourth quarter as Bracken is on an 8 play 34 yard time eating drive after Zunker had his interception. A muffed snap and fumble resulted in a Jaguar recovery and only needing 45 yards for a touchdown and a chance to take a lead.

First play was a pass from Niefeld to Shirley on a perfect throw down the middle of the field. The result was another Jaguar touchdown and after a one point conversion, Emery-Weiner had their first lead of this contest, 27-26.

Still a lot of time (6:06) on the clock for BCS.

That was when Hilgendorf had one of his best passes on the year to Camp for 35 yards and setting up shop on the Jaguars 23 yard line.

Three runs with Boriack netting 13 yards and Koch pitching in 10 yards of his own, had Bracken with an important extra-point. Koch’s kick went right through the heart of the goal posts for a very important seven point lead, 34-27.

Still over four minutes on the game clock and E-W out for another chance of getting a tie or lead. Since that first Jaguar touchdown they had been going for the one point conversion, so that would probably be their strategy if Emery-Weiner scored on this drive.

A 9 play drive to Bracken’s 12 yard line had finger nails taking a beating when Emery-Weiner was stopped on a one yard loss and a change of possessions deep in the Warriors territory.

One more snap to run off 31 seconds and this hard fought game was finally in the bag.

Yes, the Warriors had a hard time trying to ‘bag’ this Jag and there was times you might see some eggs broken in the process and bread smashed up.

But what would you expect when you have football players doing the bagging.

Besides, this ReSporter is still afraid of letting Colby even get close to you much less bagging your possessions if you know what we mean.

Bracken will now fill their lost game–Giddings with New Braunfels Christian this coming Saturday night at Warrior Stadium, come be a part of watching if this Bracken Christian Warrior’s team can Bag a Wildcat.

Paper or Plastic?


                         1   2   3   4   Final
 Houston Emery-Weiner    0   6  14   7   27
 Bracken Christian       6  14   6   8   34
 Scoring Summary:
 BCS-Noah Boriack 8 yard run (pat failed), 8:55, 1st
 BCS-Noah Boriack 8 yard run (pat failed), 9:56, 2nd
 E-W-Rubenstein 11 yard pass from Niefeld (pat blocked), 0:44, 2nd
 BCS-Noah Boriack 20 yard run (Preston Koch kick), 0:32, 2nd
 E-W-Niefeld 6 yard run (Sheena pass Niefeld), 8:10, 3rd
 E-W-Rubenstein 12 yard pass from Niefeld (Sheena pass Niefeld), 5:49, 3rd
 BCS-Noah Boriack 5 yard run (pat failed), 1:49, 3rd
 E-W-Shirley 45 yard pass from Niefeld (Sheena pass Niefeld), 6:06, 4th
 BCS-Noah Boriack 10 yard run (Preston Koch kick), 4:03, 4th
 Game Stats         Jaguars      Warriors
 Total Yards        330          394
 First Downs        12           15
 Rush/Yards         19/105       40/274
 Comp/Att/Int       11/21/1      6/10/0
 Passing Yards      225          120
 Punts/Ave          0/0          0/0
 Fumbles/Lost       0/0          3/2
 Penalties-Yards    6-44         3-45
 TOP                16:41        23:19
Passing           Comp   Att   Pct.   Yds   Lg   TD   Int
 Noah Boriack     4      5     80.0   45    15   0    0
 Sam Hilgendorf   2      3     66.7   75    40   0    0
 Preston Koch     0      3     00.0   00    00   0    0
Rushing           Att    Yds   Ave    Lg    TD
 Noah Boriack     27     216   8.0    52    5
 Preston Koch     11      45   4.1    10    0
 John Colby        2      13   6.5    10    0
Receiving         No     Yds   Ave    Lg    TD
 Jeff Camp        2      75   37.5    40    0
 John Colby       3      35   11.6    15    0
 Preston Koch     1      10   10.0    10    0