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Coaches Corner, Volleyball | September 23, 2013

Volleyball: Coaches Corner Kim Paisley

The ReSporter: Tell us what you think of the team based on the first of August and now

Head Volleyball Coach Kimberley Paisley

Head Volleyball Coach Kimberley Paisley

midway through September?

Coach Paisley: “We have made improvements since August 5th. I feel some of us have come out of our shell and are ready to step it up.”

The ReSporter: What are some of the things you are still working on to get this team ready for district play?

Coach Paisley: “We have been working on our offense as far as attacks and getting comfortable doing those in a match. I have also been putting in game scenarios on the scoreboard and having them work on that mental aspect of “We are down by two and the score is 20-22 them…” Then they have to learn to battle back.”

The ReSporter: Are you settled on your rotation now?

Coach Paisley: “I do not feel there is a solid starting six. I have four kids that will be on the floor every game of every match when district gets here.”

The ReSporter: How is your offense and are they getting quicker for your attack?

Coach Paisley: “The offense has improved and we must continue to improve. Our attacks are quicker, but we will continue to work at it. Its very important that we execute every chance we get.”

The ReSporter: Do you have enough players to give opponents more things to think about while the volley is in process?

Coach Paisley: “I feel that Amber (Ramsey) is on everyone’s scouting report. I feel that she does a good job holding that middle blocker and opening it up on the outside for Bailey.”

The ReSporter: How will playing at a new venue help or hurt your team at this juncture of the season?

Coach Paisley: “I am looking at this as not a bad thing. The other teams we play have to play there and deal with anything about the facility we are dealing with. It is still a home advantage in these girls did practice and play there two years of their volleyball career.”

The ReSporter: Lastly, I noticed Ramsey is changing up her attack and switching her hitting around….has that been an emphasis to keep opponents from having an easier time in blocking her?

Coach Paisley: “Yes. We have to switch it up because then you keep the defense guessing. We are going to have her running other things beside the quick in the middle.”

The ReSporter: Thanks Coach and go get some more wins this week.