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Coaches Corner, Sport News | February 9, 2014

Coaches Corner with Softball Coach John Gallagher

The ReSporter wanted to get with Head Softball Coach John Gallagher as this season

Head Softball Coach John Gallagher

Head Softball Coach John Gallagher

starts this week in the Navarro Tournament.

The ReSporter: What type of team (young or old) is hindered the most wen losing games because ow weather?

Coach John Gallagher: “I am not sure it affects either any differently because it’s so early on that everyone is looking to get as much work as they can before starting games. Obviously, it has hampered us by not having good weather to get in the work we need.”

The ReSporter: With a bad week of weather, how do you work on the basic skills these girls need to progress?

Coach John Gallagher: “With bad weather we spent three days outside working on throwing, fielding, and bunting. Getting used to the cold weather was the goal. We stressed playing in these type of conditions you need to be sure-handed and stay moving. One day we spent in the gym working on hitting and bare-hand catching with softie balls as well as catching up on conditioning.”

The ReSporter: Coming from Colorado, you certainly had cold weeks during your season, would you do anything different in Texas compared to Colorado?

The Dan Krueger for Precinct 4 Commissioner is Sponsoring this Coaches Corner

The Dan Krueger for Precinct 4 Commissioner is Sponsoring this Coaches Corner

Coach John Gallagher: “I would not do anything different except to layer up but don’t restrict movement. The humidity/wind makes it feel colder than in Colorado so in Texas you guard against too much exposure and shorten practice at times.”

The ReSporter: What are your expectations for your tournament this week?

Coach John Gallagher: “For our first tournament I expect for us to come together and play as a unit defensively. We also need to practice our offense situations by running the bases aggressively and bunt/hit when called for. I am excited to see how we hit against good competition. Looking at a lot of people in different positions is our main goal. How we stack up will give us an idea of our talent level and what we need to change to improve.”

The ReSporter: How long will it take for the girls just finishing basketball to adjust to that switch?

Coach John Gallagher: “It shouldn’t take our Basketball girls long to adjust. The mental part with learning new signs and defenses will take longer than their ability to get back in throwing, fielding, and hitting shape.”

The ReSporter: Thanks Coach and good luck this year with the team.