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BCS has Surprising Spring and All-Time Top 5

BCS Warriors working on drills during Spring Practice

BCS Warriors working on drills during Spring Practice

Bracken Christian finished their Spring practice last week and it turned out to be a surprise party as several players jumped out of their box and seemed in step for what could be a decent season.

“If we can make stops then I think we will have a better season than last year,” Head Coach Lloyd Fields said.

BCS would have been in a much better position when they reached the playoffs last year if the defense could of been a little more stout.

“We could not make stops on defense last year,” Coach Fields continued. “We gave up too many fourth down plays in our game with Austin Hill Country and other games….those contests had a chance of changing the outcome with those stops.”

The defense will have Noah Boriack more often this season. Boriack primarily played offense. He still finished with 3 interceptions with very limited snaps.

Another interceptor will be Coy Zunker who suffered a season ending injury last year but still ended fourth in tackles last year with 60 and 3 interceptions.

“I will not let the injury I had last year hold me back for my senior year,” Zunker said with a stethoscope around his neck. “I am going to play the best that I can,”

Zunker is presently ranked 15th in tackles (103) and stands all alone in 6th place with 5 interceptions for his career on Bracken’s all-time list.

Coy Zunker was so fast he ran his number and colors off his shirt

Coy Zunker was so fast he ran his number and colors off his shirt

With a decent year, Zunker could find himself in the top 10 for tackles and a decent chance of finishing second all time in interceptions. Sam Hilgendorf and Kevin Knapick both hold down that spot with 7 each.

“I think we have a good team and a lot of good athletes,” Zunker started. “We know we need to do something to carry on the legacy of BCS.”

On whether Zunker likes playing defense more than offense, “I am more excited to play defense…I would rather hit people than be hit.”

If Zunker challenges for 1st place for interceptions then BCS would certainly be hanging another State Champion Banner in their gym since that would take 24 interceptions for Zunker to pass Eli Achilles that stands alone with 28 thefts for Bracken.

Speaking of surprises, Zach Fasenmyer was also first off the lips of Coach Fields when he spoke about players that impressed last week.

“Faz, our x-backer was one of our top surprises of spring,” Coach gushed. “He came back to play with his overall work ethic…I think he missed football last year and he was starting to come on at the end of his sophomore season…He will be a surprise.”

At defensive end we will have (Gunnar) Stolhandske and (Jeff) Camp and those two will remind our fans of (Stephen) Burbank and Fish (Grant Granato), when we won state four years ago,” Coach Fields reminisced. “It will shock me if those two don’t have a good year.”

“Last year we knew what we were going to get into,” Camp camped out an answer for the difference between starting last season vs. this season. “This year we will be just as well or better than last year’s team.”

Camp was the Warriors best receiver last season on a team that just did not pass much, “I just want to contribute as much as I can and win State.”

There might be more players playing on both sides of the ball since depth is an issue this year.

Camp also talked about how a game can change on a dime when BCS lost their momentum in their last game to Sugar Land Logos, “We tell them (younger players) about that game and how the tempo of ball games changes and we have to keep pushing….pushing….pushing.”

One of the best smiles on Coach Fields face was that he did not lose anyone during spring practice and knowing players like Camp will be in his camp.

There were 13 players suited up for practice which does not give much room for injuries or other incidentals.

Do everything Jeff Camp is serious about this upcoming season

Do everything Jeff Camp is serious about this upcoming season

“We will have some good receivers this year,” Coach Fields threw a long one. “Jeff Camp proved his worth last season and then we had another surprise with Freshman Christian DeLeon, he has good hands.”

“It is exciting to be with a good group of guys,” Eighth Grader DeLeon said excitedly. “I just want to be a better ball player and get game time on the field.”

Based on a player that is at the end of his 8th grade year this might be a nice surprise if DeLeon can be in search of that fountain of youth and play with the knowledge of a senior.

“We are throwing the ball much better this year and that should help our offense next season,” Coach Fields said in reference to how well Sophomore QB Beene played last week.

“Brady (Beene) did not make mistakes and he executed very well,” Coach said surprisingly. “He always did the right thing and we will just have to give him more repetitions.”

“If Brady can’t play then we would give Jeff Camp the snaps,” Fields said referring to what type of back up plan would be employed if Beene was out for a play or game.

More players kept coming from Coach Fields mouth in response to surprises, “Seth Smith did a good job and we will

Christian DeLeon is one of many surprises for Coach Lloyd Fields this year

Christian DeLeon is one of many surprises for Coach Lloyd Fields this year

have a pretty good starting team, it will be our depth that will tell you what type of season we will have.”

Most 6-man teams are in that same predicament as depth will certainly give many of these ‘surprises’ a chance earlier than they might expect, but that will also be the fun part of Bracken Christian’s game when they suit up this coming August for another year of Friday night games.

BCS has a change on their schedule as CASA will be a road game instead of playing at home.

“We will not be home until our 4th game of the season this year,” Coach Fields calculated.

The ReSporter does not think that an away game is all that bad as BCS has a better road record than home games in their history. In fact, that first home game this year will be Bracken’s 100th game since their inaugural year in 2006.

                   W   L    Pct
 Home Games       36  12   .750
 Away Games       29   4   .879
 Neutral Games     8   7   .571
                  73  23   .760

Away games will not derail a season that might have a lot of surprises.


 Bracken Warriors All-Time Top 5 for Defense & Offense
 Season Tackles      No    Yr        Season Interceptions     No    Yr
 Eli Achilles       206   '10        Eli Achilles             12   '12
 Eli Achilles       170   '11        Eli Achilles              9   '10
 Joe Lonigro        159   '10        RJ Braune                 6   '08
 Grant Granato      154   '09        Eli Achilles              4   '11
 Tye Sanders        153   '08        10 tied with              3

                           Yr                                       Yr
 Career Tackles      No   Grad       Career Interceptions     No   Grad
 Eli Achilles       620   '12        Eli Achilles             28   '12
 Grant Granato      342   '10        Kevin Knapick             7   '11
 Joe Lonigro        306   '10        Sam Hilgendorf            7   '13
 Grady Achilles     222   '11        RJ Braune                 6   '08
 Sam Hilgendorf     215   '13        Grady Achilles            6   '11

 Season Rushing      No    Yr        Career Rushing           No   Grad
 Grady Achilles    2940   '10        Grady Achilles         7988   '11
 Eli Achilles      2646   '12        Eli Achilles           3537   '12
 Grady Achilles    2264   '09        Noah Boriack           1690   '14
 Grady Achilles    1822   '11        Preston Koch           1517   '13
 Noah Boriack      1690   '13        David Martinez          993   '09

 Season Rush        Att    Yr        Career Rush Attempts    Att   Grad
 Grady Achilles     211   '09        Grady Achilles          647   '11
 Grady Achilles     200   '10        Eli Achilles            241   '12
 Eli Achilles       177   '12        Preston Koch            171   '13
 Noah Boriack       163   '13        Noah Boriack            163   '14
 David Martinez     127   '09        David Martinez          136   '09

 Season Rush TD      No    Yr        Career Rush Touchdowns   No    Yr
 Grady Achilles      62   '10        Grady Achilles          164   '11
 Eli Achilles        59   '12        Eli Achilles             69   '12
 Grady Achilles      43   '09        Noah Boriack             30   '14
 Grady Achilles      41   '11        Preston Koch             22   '13
 Noah Boriack        30   '13        David Martinez           19   '09

 Game Rush Yardage   No    Yr        Game Rush Touchdowns     No    Yr
 Eli Achilles       452   '12        Eli Achilles             10   '12
 Grady Achilles     389   '10        Eli Achilles              8   '12
 Eli Achilles       355   '12        Grady Achilles            7   '09
 Grady Achilles     340   '09        Eli Achilles              7   '12
 Grady Achilles     335   '11        Grady Achilles            7   '10

 Season Rec Yards    No    Yr        Career Receiving Yards   No    Yr
 RJ Braune         1067   '08        Grant Granato          1276   '10
 Grant Granato      704   '10        RJ Braune              1067   '08
 Grant Granato      558   '09        Grady Achilles          673   '11
 Tye Sanders        490   '08        Tye Sanders             490   '08
 Davis Scott        474   '12        Davis Scott             490   '13

 Career Receptions   No    Yr        Passing Yards Career   Comp   Yards
 Grant Granato       87   '10        Eli Achilles            206   3252
 RJ Braune           40   '08        Cody Blackmon            78   1600
 Preston Koch        33   '13        Grady Achilles           74   1095
 Tye Sanders         29   '08        Noah Boriack             40    437
 Davis Scott         26   '13        Sam Hilgendorf            9    160