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Game Article, Volleyball | August 26, 2014

Canyon Lake Sweeps Smithville in Volleyball Tuesday Night

Bailey Drum going for the Kill

Bailey Drum going for the Kill

Smithville started the match scoring the first two of three points and with that 2-1 lead, the Hawks would run away with a victory in three games and Smithville would not have a lead again.

Canyon Lake (13-5) would have won all of their games even by adding all the points scored by Smithville which added up to just 24 points.

A 25-13 first game, 25-4, and 25-7 whitewash set the table for an earlier than usual time for supper with the family.

Canyon Lake had won their previous match against Smithville in tournament play in Bastrop but this game would be at home and this young team would not disappoint.

Addison Farley led the team with 15 kills as Bailey Drum was not that far behind with 13 put downs.

Mariah Ellis had to have her arm put in a sling with ice as she served 12 points. Ellis started her serve with a Hawk 7-2 lead and when she finished her serve the score was a comfortable 19-3 lead.

Grace Allen finished the game serving, as CL only needed four players serving to win this game, 25-4.

Head Coach Kim Paisley had a chance in letting all the players in the game which will hopefully pay dividends as this season closes in on district play.

“This was a developing game,” Coach Paisley said. “We were able to add depth from our bench.”

Canyon Lake has reached the 13 win total earlier than any previous year in their history. Finishing has been their downfall for many of those five losses.

 Season         Game Reached 13 Wins           Total Record
 2014                Game 18                      13-5
 2013                Game 25                      18-20
 2012                Game 26                      16-22
 2010                Game 28                      20-20
 2009                Game 28                      25-15
 2011                Game 39                      13-27

“We played our level and we did our jobs,” Coach Fields closed. “We had a chance to work on more plays for our offense.”

One of those plays was having Bailey Drum being set from the back row.

“It is fun,” Drum said while commenting on getting some kills from the back court. “They usually don’t see it coming and it is more of a quick offense.”

Drum also talked about some of those losses when the team might not be in sync for the whole game, “We are trying to shake things off and play our game and we definitely were able to get a sneak peak in this win.”

Canyon Lake will be busy for another weekend of non-stop games. The San Marcos Tournament starts on Thursday and then a break on Friday when your Hawks travel to Blanco for a tough opponent before a Saturday of more games in tourney play.

Lot’s of games in a short amount of time and you can feel that this might be a special year as Canyon Lake continues to rack up wins before district comes calling.

Game Stats: CL Wins 25-13, 25-4, 25-7
 Kills:   Addison Farley 15,  Bailey Drum   13
 Assists: Regan Mickey   26
 Blocks:  Destiny Riccio  2
 Digs:    Regan Mickey    8
 Aces:    Mariah Ellis    8


Canyon Lake JV also pulled off a convincing win which would also mark their first victory, 25-11 and 25-13.

Kaylie Duke and Faith Hasness are all smiles after recording their first win of the season.

Kaylie Duke and Faith Hasness are all smiles after recording their first win of the season.

This win was JV Coach Helmey first and she was all smiles after a winnable game last week in Lockhart that just got away.

“Yeah, that was my first win as a coach,” Helmey stated proudly. “I thought the girls were more comfortable and I had noticed before play started they were playing more as a team.”

Coach Helmey made these comments in response to how many girls had moved in which was hurting their communication and just getting to know each other better.

“In practice this last week, Faith (Hasness) has been getting more vocal and leading, before the girls were not prepared for the Lockhart game,” Coach Helmey closed. “I could tell in warmups that they would be ready tonight.”

Freshman Faith Hasness scored on her serve with 8 aces for the match. Hasness finished the first game and helped give the Hawks enough space to coast to their first game win scoring on her seven serves.

“We started talking a lot more and we would talk after each point,” Hasness talked. “We minimized our errors and we are just getting to know each other and we are starting to play better together.”

Hasness started the second game serving while the Hawks raced off for a 6-0 lead and helping CLJV dominate through the rest of this contest.

Sophomore Kaylie Duke is another newcomer who came on in that second game when she had 4 kills.

“This was a home game,” Duke duked it out. “After losing our last game, we did not want to have that feeling again and wanted to correct it and have a better outcome.”

That Lockhart game was a tough loss as CLJV had a chance to win the match but just could not finish.

“My approach to the ball is what I wanted to be better with,” Duke finished. “In that last game (Lockhart) we had a really big lead and then lost it and that was not going to happen again.”

True to form, Canyon Lake now has all three teams starting to jell and this will be a good time to come out and watch these teams come together.

Blanco is this Friday come out and fill the stands in Blanco.

Go Hawks!!!