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Coaches Corner, Football | August 16, 2014

Coaches Corner with Canyon Lake’s Charley Drum

Coaches Corner with Canyon Lake’s Charley Drum.

The ReSporter: Hey Coach, what are your overall thoughts after the first scrimmage against Gonzales?

Head Coach Charley Drum

Head Coach Charley Drum

Coach Drum: “I thought we responded well to adversity, our offense did not start well and then they scored on their first play. We had an open 12 minute quarter and our offense took the ball for a score while taking 11 minutes off the clock. Then our defense held them to a 3 and out series. I don’t think they will be wanting to scrimmage us again since we did not give them much time to work.

I like how our kids responded and showed mental toughness early in this season.”

The ReSporter: Did you find out anything about your defensive backs and other players?

Coach Drum: “Well, we came out of the game healthy and we tackled well. We had some players that got some separation. All of our defensive line tackled well for a first scrimmage.”

The ReSporter: What will you be working on as you get ready for next week’s scrimmage on Thursday?

Coach Drum: “We will be doing some fine tuning on both sides of the ball.”

The ReSporter: That was not an aspect with last year’s club while you were trying to learn an offense, as far as, ‘fine tuning’.

Coach Drum: “Yeah, the kids know what they are doing and now we can spend more time working on our technique.”

The ReSporter: Usually in scrimmages you don’t work on special teams, can you tell us how that part of the game is doing?

Coach Drum: “We will be hitting that hard this week. We try to get two players per class that we can work on special teams and do it well.”

The ReSporter: What part of the special teams are you speaking….I know last year you had a situation in the Boerne game when you lost Tommy Clark who held for extra points.

Coach Drum: “Well, we actually lost JJ Nance in that same game and he was our back-up and that is why we went for two after we scored.
We know who will be our kicker but there is more than that part of the game in special teams.”

The ReSporter: We are three weeks from the start of competition, what are your parting thoughts?

Coach Drum: “I am proud of the way our guys have responded. We are always anxious as the season nears, but I feel a lot better after you can see them competing against another team.”

The ReSporter: Thanks Coach and we will look forward seeing how this team will respond next Thursday when you scrimmage Medina Valley.