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Football, Pre/Game | August 26, 2014

Pre/Game: Bracken Warriors vs. Temple Holy Trinity Celtics

Bracken Christian Warriors           @         Temple Holy Trinity Celtics      August 29th   7:30pm

 Game: Hawks and Celtics

 This Season's Games: First Game

 Series History: First Game

Bracken Christian will be going into the twilight zone to start this season as this Warrior team will be facing off with a school that has played in a crowded field arena and is moving down to 6-Man game.

That would usually not be that big of a deal, except that BCS is not playing with a full deck as they have in previous years.

In last week’s scrimmage, Bracken had just three players keeping Head Coach Lloyd Fields company on the sideline.

So this year will be guarded optimism as the dreaded injury bug must not make a house call and further deplete this roster.

BCS does have a lot of talent on this club and the curtain will be raised on Brady Beene as this sophomore will take the reins calling the signals. Beene has proven he can throw and this might be a part of Bracken’s game not seen since their first two years of competition.

A trio of Seniors will also bring some proven skills to the table as Noah Boriack, Jeff Camp, and Coy Zunker have some proverbial skins hanging on their wall of past accolades.

Boriack might be called upon more for defense but one thing is for sure, this player will be racking up some rushing yards to get into the Achilles Brother’s stratosphere.

Camp will be on the receiving end of Boriack and Beene’s passing while also making his mark on the defensive side of the line.

Zunker ended last season on the sideline but tenacity would be a good word to describe this player as he has a zeal very seldom seen from players.

If those three players can catch that lightning in a bottle and get their supporting cast to buy in then this could be another banner year for Bracken.

Coach Fields did have some tidbits on this Celtic team, “They are a big team and average 185-200 pounds….they will come right at you but they don’t have a lot of speed.”

This might remind some Bracken ‘Old Fogies’ of the Tomball Rosen teams with their size, except those teams were actually larger than those weights.

“We need to get all our players back and if we do, then I will feel a lot better abut our chances,” Coach Fields closed. “They are strong will come right at ya!”