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Football, Game Article | September 5, 2014

CL Freshman Win in a Gold Rush, 49ers-22

Hawk Freshman listening for where their next Gold Rush will take place.

Hawk Freshman listening for where their next Gold Rush will take place.

The Canyon Lake Freshman (2-0) team continues to impress as they started a ‘gold’ rush with their win over the Tigers in Smithville Thursday night, 49ers-22.

Luke Justis started the game off with a 43 yard run and the Hawks would not trail in the game as an incentive had been placed in front of this Freshman team.

“We (the team) saw some gold pants in the dressing room and we liked them and asked the coaches if we could wear them,” Justis said. “The coaches said if we scored 50 points then we could wear them.”

By ground or by air, Justis proved he was running for gold as he finished the first half by jumping to snag a pass from Ben Fulton with no time left on the clock.

Averaging almost 20 yards per rushing play did not hurt Justis and CL doubled their offensive output from last week in their win over Lago Vista.

“We are all one family and one team,” Justis continued. “We strive to be together and not just one person.”

Defensively, the Hawks were not as sharp as last week, but that does not mean some nasty hits were not on their menu.

This Tiger team will be licking their wounds as they take inventory for all those body parts still being in tact.

Linebacker Micah St. John was all over the field inducing many of those hits.

“I would just like to thank the team and Coaches,” St. John started. “Everyone has to be coachable and we just try to do everything they ask.”

St. John looked to Coach Bret Hodges for the signal and got the call called ‘Fire’, where the linebacker will blitz. “Fire is when I blitz,” St. John said with fire in his eyes.

In the second quarter, CL scored on their first and last play bookending Smithville as they counted up 21 points needed for a comeback.

Canyon Lake’s defense started the second half by backing the Tigers up and needing 14 yards for a first. After their 25 yard punt, the Hawks would take two plays to score and put this game on cruise control.

A Justis 20 yard run would be the answer needed for this Tiger team to start grabbing their tail to go home.

Linebacker Parker Reno was also active as he slowed one play up to the outside that allowed the rest of the players to get pursuit and tackle the ball. Reno used everything he could throw at that runner to slow him down.

The result was a loss on the play as other Hawks easily cleaned up after the mess Parker made on that play.

“My goal is to get the guy with the ball,” Parker said with resolve. “I just tried to hit him as hard as I could…my goal is to always hit someone….but we have room for improvement and our job is to step it up.”

In that fourth quarter after the defense stopped the Tigers one yard short of a first down. The Hawks had one more chance to score and Ross Snowden was the recipient to give the Hawks a final score of 49 points.

That last drive had some hard runs by Garrett Haas, Braden Duke, and Snowden.

One run by Duke covered 17 yards and every Tiger on the field had a chance to bring this young man down. To no avail.

Snowden finished this drive off with a one yard bruising run up the middle with a lot of help from his teammates.

Braden Ford showing the way for Running Back Ross Snowden or 'Snowy'

Braden Ford showing the way for Running Back Ross Snowden or ‘Snowy’

“Offensive Lineman Braden Ford was one of those lineman, “I told Snowy (Snowden), that I was going to get him in,” Ford said like a Model T. “I love Snowy and he just somersaulted into the end zone after blocking for him.”

Coach Trent Dunavant, jokingly said after hearing the exchange of words by this player countered, “That was his first block this year.”

Fifty points was the goal and Justis was wide on his extra point attempt leaving the Hawks one point short of having that chance of wearing those gold pants.

The Gold Rush is on now as it seems the Coaches have found the best motivational ploy for this group of players.

At this writing one ounce of gold is worth $1266.40…this might be a good buy as this season continues.

                           1   2   3   4   Final
 CL Hawks Freshman (2-0)  14  22   7   6   49
 Smithville Freshman       6   8   8   0   22
 Scoring Summary:
 CLF-Luke Justis 43 yard run (Ben Fulton run), 5:10, 1st
 CLF-Parker Reno 4 yard run (pat failed), 1:26, 1st
 SmF-Chase 52 yard run (run failed), 0:56, 1st
 CLF-Joseph Ruiz 25 yard pass from Fulton (Justis kick), 7:53, 2nd
 SmF-Chase 3 yard run (Rivera run), 3:52, 2nd
 CLF-Micah St. John 35 yard run (Justis kick), 2:27, 2nd
 CLF-Luke Justis 14 yard pass from Ben Fulton (Fulton run), 0:00, 2nd
 CLF-Luke Justis 20 yard run (Justis kick), 5:37, 3rd
 SmF-Wyatt 2 yard run (Rivera run), 1:17, 3rd
 CLF-Ross Snowden 1 yard run (pat failed), 0:49, 4th

 Game Stats            Tigers     Hawks
 Total Yards           201        350
 First Downs           8          15
 Rushes/Yards          27/174     33/311
 Passes/Comp/Int       3/10/0     2/4/0
 Passing Yards         27         39
 Punts/Average         2/12.5     0/0
 Fumbles/Lost          0/0        0/0
 Penalties-Yards       2-25       3-25

 Passing               Comp   Att   Int   Pct   Yds  TD
 Ben Fulton            2      4     0    .500   39   2
 Lee Stafford          0      0     0    .000    0   0

 Rushing               Att   Yds   Ave   Lg   TD
 Luke Justis           7     136  19.4   43   2
 Micah St. John        7      65   9.3   35   1
 Reno Parker           5      43   8.6   14   1
 Joseph Ruiz           1      22  22.0   22   0
 Ross Snowden          5      21   4.2    8   1
 Braden Duke           5      20   4.0   17   0
 Garrett Haas          1       4   4.0    4   0
 Ben Fulton            1       3   3.0    3   0
 Lee Stafford          1      -3  -3.0    0   0

 Receiving             No    Yds   Ave   Lg   TD
 Joseph Ruiz           1     25   25.0   25   1
 Luke Justis           1     14   14.0   14   1