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Game Article, Volleyball | September 7, 2014

CL Hawks Volleyball B(P)lanks Sinton Pirates, 3-0

Hawks ready themselves for another 'Point Hawks', in Win over Sinton

Hawks ready themselves for another ‘Point Hawks’, in Win over Sinton

CL Hawks make the Sinton Pirates walk the plank in last Friday night’s game, 25-19, 25-16, 25-19.

The Hawks looked in control on this night as they met a team that was playing students that were younger than they were.

Sinton had several freshman and sophomores on the court which might sound a lot like last year’s Hawk team.

The good news is that CL did not show any mercy as they disposed of this Pirate team before they had a chance to get a patch put over their eye.

Each game had Canyon Lake taking a lead and maintaining the pressure and not letting Sinton to get back into position to stage a knock out punch.

One reason could reside with a Hawk team that looks very balanced with players that can attack, dig, assist, and serve with consistency.

Hannah Wunderlich will make them pay in game with Sinton last Friday night

Hannah Wunderlich will make them pay in game with Sinton last Friday night

That consistency is a Coach Kim Paisley trademark. (that might be a reason you could see Coach smiling while giving instructions)

This was also a student (Paisley) playing against her College Coach.

“I know she likes the short serve,” Student Coach Paisley surmised. “But her team is really young.”

Canyon Lake seems to have several players that can serve very well and without many errors.

“That is not one of our weak areas,” Coach Paisley said in response on if this team practices their serve much. “They are not afraid to serve the ball.”

Canyon Lake had a tough tournament in San Marcos and even though they won the Bronze Bracket, the team still had a tough first day.

“Coming off the the San Marcos tournament, we were playing 5A and 6A teams and those games are going to help us prepare for district.”

The Hawks still have several players that seem to reaching another level as the district season approaches.

Bailey Drum and Lillie Sander putting up a line of defense in Sinton Win

Bailey Drum and Lillie Sander putting up a line of defense in Sinton Win

Junior Hannah Wunderlich is one of those players that seems to be playing with much more confidence, especially at the net.

“I’m not scared of making mistakes anymore,” Wunderlich said. “Coach helps me and talks me through the times when I might not be playing at my best.”

Wunderlich is one of those many players that looks focused, especially when serving for Canyon Lake.

“The more experience we get the better our serves will be,” Wunderlich said without wondering. “Our team overall is just better….but we have to keep improving and the more that we do then we can farther in district and the playoffs.”

Canyon Lake with this win is 11 games over .500 and that is a first for CL Volleyball as they passed the 2009 team that finished their season 10 games over .500.

 CLHS (19-8) over Sinton: 25-19, 25-16, 25-19
 Game Stats:
 Kills:   Addison Farley              17
 Aces:    Drum, Wunderlich & Robinson  2
 Digs:    Hayley Melone               16
 Assists: Regan Mickey                36
 Blocks:  Lillie Sander                2