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Sport News | September 24, 2014

Friday Nights 5th Quarter at North Shore UMC after Hawks Game

Come and celebrate a Hawk victory at North Shore UMC after the game.

Come and celebrate a Hawk victory at North Shore UMC after the game.

Friday night lights doesn’t just end after the game.

North Shore United Methodist Church opens their doors for food, fun and fellowship after each home game.

Beach Volleyball, Basketball, Gaga Pit, music and oceans of tables under the trees to sit and visit.

Coach Chapman might want to come to see if anybody has 'game'.

Coach Chapman might want to come to see if anybody has ‘game’.

North Shore is excited to have the Baptist Youth Fellowship, DJ and hope to see this become an ecumenical (more than one Church) event.

Our Youth are very limited as to where they can hang out and we want North Shore UMC to be a safe fun place to do just that.

Grace and Peace,
Rev. Kimberley L. Burke

Beach Volleyball, you need to check to be sure there are not any 'ringers' on your team. CL Hawks Volleyball girls.

Beach Volleyball, you need to check to be sure there are not any ‘ringers’ on your team. Like the CL Hawk’s Volleyball girls.