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Football, Game Article | September 28, 2014

Fumbles Not Key to Success in Loss to Lampasas, 21-14

Canyon Lake lost another heartbreaker, Friday at the Hawk Field, when the Lampasas Badgers

Texas Country RV supports Canyon Lake and Mountain Valley Sports

Texas Country RV supports Canyon Lake and Mountain Valley Sports

scored their go ahead touchdown in the fourth quarter, winning 21-14.

Mistakes, in the form of fumbles, were the downfall while the Hawk Defense finally could not hold off the Slot-T offense of Lampasas.

“We need to learn how to win in the third and fourth quarter,” Head Coach Charley Drum said. “We just need to hold onto the football.”

The rain was constant and a contributor in keeping the Hawks from holding onto the ball for the rest of this game. This was the second game in as many weeks that has had over five fumbles, with a final tally of 13 miscues in those games.

Canyon Lake scored first when they drove 11 plays and 79 yards with a steady dose of ‘newcomer’ Tim Romero who was added to the Varsity when Hayden DuBois was held out to heal up for district play.

Josh DeVries capped off this drive with a 25 yard run for a 7-0 lead.

Lampasas would respond on their next drive of 71 yards on eight running plays to match the Hawks in that first quarter.

The next two Hawk drives had that slippery ball syndrome with one fumble being called off because an off-side penalty on Lampasas. That was good news since that fumble was recovered by the Badgers.

CL’s defense would hold the Badgers on their next two drives as the Lampasas team tried to convert fourth down opportunities both times.

Canyon Lake would seize the moment with a 58 yard drive scoring, leaving 4 seconds left on the 2nd Quarter clock.

Each back would respond with an explosive play of over 10 yards on this drive which helped keep the time from hitting zero before their score.

DeVries had his only carry for 13 yards and a touchdown on this set of plays, giving Canyon Lake a one touchdown cushion going into halftime.

Canyon Lake started the second half by forcing a Badger punt, but those fumbles would be coming in bunches for the second half, helping to squelch several scoring opportunities.

Defensively, the Hawks had a goal line stand after their first lost fumble, for a Badger drive that started on the Hawk 4 yard line. Their first play went for 3 yards and backed CL to their one yard line. Three plays of no gains for Lampasas was a sight not seen much in Hawk annals.

Canyon Lake would start their drive on the one yard line and feeding off the defense was reeling off yardage with gusto.

The next eight plays had CL with a second down and only needing two yards on the Badgers 39 yard line when CL had their next lost fumble and snuffing out an opportunity not only to score, but with two slot-t offenses a two touchdown margin would make it hard for a comeback.

Lampasas would reciprocate this time by using just two plays before they would fumble back to the Hawks.

Then a one play Hawk fumble would end up burying Canyon Lake in hindsight.

A Badger 43 yard pass play on their next drive caught the Hawk defensive backfield sleeping tying the score, 14 all at the end of the third quarter.

Canyon Lake would only have two more chances with the ball, but could not capitalize, while Lampasas had their winning drive covering 93 yards on 14 plays.

The Hawks appeared to have another stop on a fourth down try but the mark was just enough to give Lampasas enough impetus to score their go ahead points and eventual win.

All those fumbles were not lost, but a fumble is a lost play for an offense trying to make longer than usual third down plays to continue keeping that drive alive.

Canyon Lake has gone into district play with a losing record for four times and two of those years a playoff scenario presented itself for a good ending to a season.

Two games of being on the lip of the cup for a win will need to be rectified for a year with playoff implications.

This Lampasas’ team has found ways to win while CL is still trying to find that key of success.

Positive results from this game came in many forms:
Goal line stand
Rushing Yards for team
Tim Romero contributing in his first game.
No Penalties
Defense held the Badger’s offense on three 4th down plays.

Now, the Hawks will have two weeks to look for those keys that will unlock a chance to make some noise in their new district.

Go Hawks!!!

             1   2   3   4   Final
 Lampasas    7   0   7   7   21
 CL Hawks    7   7   0   0   14
 Scoring Summary:
 CLH: Josh DeVries 25 yard run (Michael Thorpe kick), 6:55, 1st
 LPH: Phillips 8 yard run (pat good), 4:09, 1st
 CLH: Josh DeVries 13 yard run (Thorpe kick), 0:04, 2nd
 LPH: Woods pass from ?? (pat good), 0:39, 3rd
 LPH: Bowen 4 yard run (pat good), 3:58, 4th

 Game Stats          Badgers     Hawks
 Total Yardage       256         227
 First Downs         19          14
 Rushing/Yards       57/204      49/213
 Comp/Att/Int        2/3/0       1/4/0
 Passing Yards       52          14
 Fumbles/Lost        2/1         3/6
 Punts/Average       1/38.0      3/32.7
 Penalties-Yards     5-55        0-0

 Passing             Comp  Att  Pct  Yds  Int TD
 Skyler Tschoepe     1     4   .250  14   0   0

 Rushing             Att   Yds  Ave   Lg   TD
 Josh DeVries        13    97   7.7   27   2
 Tim Romero          15    77   4.5   14   0
 Robert Woods        15    54   4.5   20   0
 Skyler Tschoepe      6   -15   ---    3   0

 Receiving           No   Yds   Ave   Lg   TD
 Tim Romero          1    14   14.0   14   0