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Football, Pre/Game | September 24, 2014

Pre/Game: Lampasas @ CL Hawks September 26

Hawks will try to hold Badgers for a win this Friday

Hawks will try to hold Badgers for a win this Friday

 Pre/Game:     Lampasas Badgers   @   CL Hawks      Friday, March 26     7:30

 History: First meeting between CL Hawks and Lampasas Badgers

 This Season's Results:
 CL Hawks   07   Blanco      35      Badgers   15   Fredericksburg   22
 CL Hawks   43   Smithville  14      Badgers   24   Lago Vista       17
 CL Hawks   38   Marion      06      Badgers   46   Austin Reagan    07
 CL Hawks   27   Wimberley   28      Badgers   20   Lorena           18

Canyon Lake will play a Lampasas team that is presently on a three game winning streak while the Hawks are coming off a last second loss to Wimberley.

That main question will be what the mind set of Canyon Lake will be versus a team that seems to be beating teams by wide margins (46-7 over Reagan) and by the skin of their Badger teeth in winning 20-18 over Lorena last week.

In fact, in Lampasas only loss against Fredericksburg, the Badgers tripled the yardage of the Billies in that loss.

Running is the Badgers forte and they presently have two running backs with over 400 yards with Todd Phillips only being seven yards short of the 500 yard marker. Cale Walker is their other back that will coming into this game at the 440 yard plateau.

Two more backs have also topped 100 yards in QB Cohen Cockburn (225 yards) and Spencer Maples with 114 yards.

This will be a good precursor for that first district game at Liberty Hill after the off week. That Liberty Hill team runs the same offense as Canyon Lake.

Lampasas has a good defense too and facing a team that is good on both sides of the ball will be another test to see how this Hawk team will respond when district comes a calling.

Some good news on two fronts. Lampasas faced Lago Vista which also runs the Slot-T offense and allowed the Vikings 386 yards on the ground.

This Badger offense throws the ball about the same amount of times as CL and averages half the yardage from passing as Canyon Lake.

Four lost fumbles in that win over Lago Vista was probably the reason that score was not more in favor of Lampasas. Those Badgers averaged 8.5 yards per rush in that game.

This will looks like a game that is shaping up to be a hum dinger (whatever that means) as both teams are averaging in that 27-28 points per game area.

Mistakes will need to be minimized for Canyon Lake to win this game. The good news? Canyon Lake seems to have the turnover bug when playing Wimberley with last year being the only exception which also was the only win against the Texans.

When you take turnovers against Wimberley off the stat line, then the Hawks are usually do very well in that department.

Canyon Lake’s offense is more of a 3-5 yards per rush while Lampasas is averaging right at 7 yards per carry. While your Hawks average 21 yards per catch while the Badgers average 13 yards.

Two teams that like to run and very seldom pass will come down to the team with the best time of possession coming out on top.

Quarterback Skyler Tschoepe has been laser like with his throws since coming back from missing one game due to injury.

Canyon Lake’s trio of runners has had two of the three enjoying success in each game while an opponents defense usually shutting down that third back. Last week it was Josh DeVries that was stymied by a defense that saw DeVries uncork long runs the week before.

Evan Schuller has topped the 100 yards receiving mark as CL seems to have several receivers that have the ability to make tough and open catches.

A good game for the Hawks will also be in holding those long plays for the Badgers to a minimum.

Should be another good game much like last week’s game with the Texans. Now we will need to know how much was learned from last week’s disappointing loss.

Good Luck Hawks!!