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Football | November 16, 2014

CL Hawk Quotes, Tidbits, & By the Numbers

Hawk Offensive Line opens gaping hole for Fullback Hayden DuBois

Hawk Offensive Line opens gaping hole for Fullback Hayden DuBois

Hawk Quotes, CL Hawk Tidbits, By the Numbers.

#21 Tailback Josh DeVries:
On gaining 187 yards in LaVega game.
“That gave me a lot of confidence and the more we play the closer we get.”

What happens next week?
“Our whole offense is in a groove. We will work hard this next week and then it will be time to make history.” (speaking about playing into the third round)

#72 Offensive Tackle Tristan Woodruff:

On how well the offensive line played to be able to rush for so many yards?
“We are communicating very well and that is helping us to start clicking with this offense.”

What does this game means when you can rush and about the play of the Seniors?

“We did it!! The Seniors stepped up and we came out strong and fast as an offensive line.”

#68 Offensive Guard Austin Kahil:

The offensive line performed well with over 400 yards rushing.
“We certainly had a power game tonight…we wanted to just be basic and then we shot and followed and were pancaking them all over the place.”

What do you mean by ‘Shock and Follow’?

“That means we hit them with our hands and then just follow them as we push them back.”

How do you approach this next week?
“We are going to do the sleds and work just as hard as we did this past week.”

#22 Fullback Hayden DuBois:

On having so many games in getting all those tough yards and tonight having more room to see the field?

“Their middle linebacker was keying on me and so my first few runs were tough, but once we got flowing and started going wide in the game it opened up my rushing.”

On rushing for so much in this game and getting you and Josh with over 100 yards?

“My offensive line was just all power tonight and that allowed me to get to the hole and get my yards.”

#6 Defensive Back Cody Powell:
What were you thinking when you saw the ball coming your way?
“We had been practicing that play this week and as soon as saw the receiver do his five yard stop, then I knew what the play was.”

Did you think you could make it all the way?

“Oh yeah, I thought I had it the whole way.”

#42 Linebacker Jared Bruckman:

What were you thinking when the LaVega offense went into hyper speed in the second half?
“I was worried about our Defensive Line and if they could get to their second level.”

What does ‘second level’ mean?

“That is if they can take care of the first line then it will allow the linebackers a more open way of getting to the player with the ball.”

#8 Linebacker Haden Lee:

LaVega was going so fast with their offense in that second half is was making The ReSporter’s job tough in getting all those plays written up in time before the next play…what were you thinking when that happened?

“Well, we just had to line up and speed up our game too, we just had to get faster and go down hill and make the play.”

How do you approach this week’s practices?

“We have to give it all we got in our practices this is a whole new week.”

#7 Linebacker Tanner McGill:

You had a sack and some good plays out there tonight, tell us about stopping their 2 point try.

“Yeah, our Seniors stepped it and when times were getting tough we stepped it up and stopping that two point conversion was a game changer….and that is the difference between leaders and followers.”

#10 Cornerback Garhett Grundei:

Three interceptions and you came through with the last one, what were you thinking on that play?

“It was an easy play because we were playing prevent and I just stayed on the inside and had the ball come right at me.”

On having two interceptions for touchdowns?

“That is what changed the tide of the game, it helped just shut him (QB) down.”

#44 Defensive End Dominick Enea:

On how this game played out for the team with the speed of their offense?

“We had to get down and get set and play football…the defense all have jobs to do and as long as we did what we were suppose to do then we knew we would be successful.”


 Canyon Lake Hawk Tidbits:
 * The 410 yards rushing against LaVega was the most in Hawk history.
 * Hayden DuBois (156) and Josh DeVries (146) are 2nd and 3rd in scoring.
 * Mike Thorpe is currently in 8th in scoring with 72.
 * Canyon Lake has scored 8 times by a return. (kick-off, punt, interception)
 * 49 points scored against LaVega is 4th all-time in points scored.
 * The 75 aggregate points scored last week ranks as 9th for CLHawks.
 * The Hawks are 14-3 if they get to 20 or more first downs in a game.
 * The 352 tandem rushing yards from DeVries and DuBois is tops all-time.
 * Haden Lee, Matt Adams, and Austin Acosta were all in double figure tackles.
 * Lee topped the 100 tackle plateau in the game and resides with 112.

 Canyon Lake Hawks By The Numbers:
   1 Time Skyler Tschoepe has been intercepted this year.
   2 More Turnovers forced than given up in playoff games.
   5 Place for offensive yardage (476) in a game with LaVega.
   6 Games played in the playoffs.
   7 Touchdowns rushing for Zach Henshaw in playoff games.
   9 Times CL has lost a fumble.
  10 Turnovers committed by Hawk offense.
  11 Interceptions by Hawk defense.
  13 More turnovers forced than given up.
  15 Tackles in LaVega game for Haden Lee.
  19 Times Hawks have had over 400 yards of offense.
  21 Times CL has fumbled.
  23 Turnovers forced by Hawk defense.
  41 Rushes for DeVries in playoff games for 352 yards.
  43 Rushes for DuBois in playoff games for 285 yards.
  71 Points scored in first quarter this year.
  72 Yards receiving for third place all-time in playoff games for Evan Schuller
  74 Points scored in fourth quarter this year.
  78 Points scored in third quarter this year.
 102 First downs all-time in playoff games.
 121 Points scored in second quarter this year.
 631 Yards rushed by Henshaw for his playoff career.
 721 Yards rushed for Rober Woods for 6th all-time.
1143 Rushing yards for DeVries this season for 4th place.
1849 Yards rushed for Hayden DuBois for 3rd all-time.
1858 Yards rushed for Josh DeVries for 2nd all-time.
4363 Yards rushed for Zach Henshaw for 1st on that list.