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Football, Sport News | November 18, 2014

CL’s Playoff History and this year’s Club

Junior Running Back Robert Woods waiting for the Offensive Line's next hole to plow through

Junior Running Back Robert Woods waiting for the Offensive Line’s next hole to plow through

The Hawks are presently 0-2 when facing teams in the second round of playoffs.

Back in 2010, Canyon Lake, was pitted against a Somerset team that had a ton of excitement and experience and in the end it was the Bulldogs that were smiling after a missed field goal when time expired.

During that two game stint in the 2010 playoff season, CL had won their first half in both games by a 52-13 advantage and in that first game with Burnet the Hawks withheld a furious rally to hold on with a Bi-District win, 27-20.

Somerset was let off the hook in that Area matchup when the CL’s Juan Martinez was just short on a 42 yard field goal with no time left on the clock.

Martinez was true on a 40 yard field goal at the end of the first half in that same game which proved to be the Hawk’s last points for that season.

Last year’s game had a little different ending as Canyon Lake faced an opponent they had lost to earlier that season.

Gordon the Plumber says Go Hawks Beat the Pirates

Gordon the Plumber says Go Hawks Beat the Pirates

La Grange was all over the Hawks like a Leopard has spots. The score, 50-8, was a reminder that Canyon Lake had a lot of work to do in order to take their next step.

That Area Game was also played in temperatures in the 40’s, a very wet and dreary night.

This year has already changed from what happened last season, as Canyon Lake and Rockport-Fulton will be playing in the Alamodome, and if the weather is that bad inside that facility, then that means there are more important things in this world going on, than a result for a football game.

Canyon Lake has had their offense in high gear since their game with Liberty Hill, six games ago.

The Hawk’s have averaged 40.2 points per game over that five game stretch. Last year’s team was inconsistent as they were still playing in their first year of the slot-t offense. CL averaged just 19.4 points during that five game stretch.

Rushing for the Hawks will be key again this week and every week for that matter. Canyon Lake has had four games this year where two backs have broken the 100 yard rushing plateau.

Half of these milestones has come about during this season.

Last week, Josh DeVries and Hayden DuBois had the most tandem yardage in Hawk history. This feat has been accomplished eight times.

 Year   Game                    Players/Yards                         Total
 2014   Waco LaVega             DeVries   187, DuBois       165        352
 2014   Smithville              DeVries   175, Woods        123        298
 2013   Boerne                  Johnson   162, Dubois       114        276
 2010   Bandera                 Henshaw   135, Covarrubias  103        238
 2013   Pleasanton              Dubois    118, DeVries      110        228
 2014   Fredericksburg          DeVries   120, Woods        106        226
 2012   Boerne                  Dubois    119, Covarrubias  100        219
 2014   Bandera                 DeVries   109, DuBois       102        211

DeVries’ 187 yards was good for 12th place with Hawk rushers being just one yard short of Eduardo Covarrubias 188 yard game against La Vernia in 2010.

The last time any Hawk had reached that stratosphere was when McGuire Johnson ran for 199 yards against Somerset last season.

Canyon Lake has also seen their Special Teams come alive this season as DeVries and Matt Adams have both returned kick-offs this season.

Texas Country RV wants more games to go to in their RV's...Go Hawks!!

Texas Country RV wants more games to go in their RV’s…Go Hawks!!

Just go ask Fredericksburg how good Canyon Lake has done in this category. In that game, both players ran a kick-off back.

The Special Teams made adjustments during the middle of the season in the Hawk’s bye week.

Now you can add one more component to Canyon Lake’s arsenal in getting points added on a scoreboard as the Hawks came through with two touchdowns scored by the defense when Tommy Clark and Cody Powell both returned their pick in last week’s game with LaVega.

Turnovers have been a very good asset on this year’s team as Canyon Lake is enjoying a +13 on their ledger sheet.

This item will be the most important number with an offense like the Hawks run. A turnover will do three things for a run oriented team.

1) The obvious of letting your opponent take over the ball with a chance to score and at the same time stopping your chance of scoring.
2) That takeaway will also not allow CL to run more clock because they are not running the ball.
3) If Canyon Lake is in the lead, then a turnover can be overcome. If trailing, then a hurry up game might be needed and that is not the best way for a Hawk team to win football games.

 Year        Give aways                           Take aways
             Fumbles  Int  Total       (+/-)      Fumbles  Int  Total
 2009           5     18    23          +4          15     12    27
 2010          10     12    22          +4          16     10    26
 2011           8     10    18          -6           4      8    12
 2012           5      7    12          +1           7      6    13
 2013           8      6    14          -1           7      6    13
 2014           9      1    10         +13          12     11    23

There in is the key to this game with Rockport-Fulton. A Pirate is only good if they are plundering and taking everything away from their spoils of fighting on the seas.

This game will hinge on how well Canyon Lake can take care of the ball and keep those Pirates off their boat.

The ReSporter will now go find some Pirate movies to see if their are any more secrets that can be had over these type of Team Mascots.

Go Hawks Beat Rockport-Fulton!!!