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Coaches Corner, Football | November 6, 2014

Coaches Corner with Canyon Lake’s Charley Drum

Coaches Corner with Canyon Lake’s Charley Drum.

The ReSporter caught up with Head Coach Charley Drum at CL’s first round Volleyball playoff game with Taylor last Tuesday.

Canyon Lake's Head Coach Charley Drum

Canyon Lake’s Head Coach Charley Drum

The ReSporter: Hey Coach how has this week’s practices been going in preparation for the Boerne game this week?

Coach Drum: “Going good.”

The ReSporter: What are some things your team will have to focus on going into this game?

Coach Drum: “We have to tackle them…If we allow Dormady (Boerne’s QB) to sit back like a game of 7 on 7, then he is pretty good.”

The ReSporter: Boerne not only had a good quarterback but his number one target is also a great weapon for them.

Coach Drum: “We will try to bracket him, but they have other receivers that will hurt you…they all can catch the ball, we will just need to limit those big plays.”

The ReSporter: What other items will a paramount issue to have to give the Hawks a good chance for a win?

Coach Drum: “We need to force two or three turnovers….the more times we can do that then our chances improve.”

Jen Crownover wants to thank the Hawk Nation for supporting her for her win last Tuesday.

Jen Crownover wants to thank the Hawk Nation for supporting her for her win last Tuesday.

The ReSporter: What is the mood of the players this week for their final regular season game?

Coach Drum: “They are excited about this game and they know we have a chance of finishing higher in our district, than we have for a long time.”

The ReSporter: What is the goal you have been trying to ingrain into the players this week?

Coach Drum: “If we can win, then we don’t need any help from any of the other games to realize our goal of making the playoffs and finishing in second place. That is the goal of every player.”

The ReSporter: How is the injury bug or is there any players that might not contribute?

Coach Drum: “It seems like a month since we have played a home game and we are good to go with our players being ready and able to play.”

The ReSporter: Thanks Coach, it is time for the first serve….enjoy watching Bailey (Drum) tonight!