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Coaches Corner, Football | November 19, 2014

Coaches Corner with Canyon Lake’s Charley Drum

Coaches Corner with Canyon Lake’s Charley Drum

This is certainly a big week for the Hawks and The ReSporter had a chance to catch up with Coach Drum for this week’s edition of the Coaches Corner.

Canyon Lake's Head Coach Charley Drum

Canyon Lake’s Head Coach Charley Drum

The ReSporter: Can Coach Moses read minds better than his coaching friends from Rockport?

Coach Drum: “Yeah, they will know our offense, but we can be a little more diverse than they are. We kind of have something to compare.”

The ReSporter: Do you know if Rockport-Fulton played a team that runs the slot-t?

Coach Drum: “I don’t think they did.”

The ReSporter: Well, when I think back on last year in our game with Navarro, you could tell that they were just more advanced with this type of offense both defensively and offensively in our game with them.

Coach Drum: “We were not mentally ready for that game with Navarro last year and those kids just wanted that game much more than we did.”

The ReSporter: With our game with Liberty Hill you could tell that we had advanced defensively in knowing how to play a team running the same offenses as we run. Does that help when preparing for Rockport?

Coach Drum: “We had an extra week to prepare for Liberty Hill this year. But we had a chance to face a quarterback from Liberty Hill that plays much like the quarterback that runs the Rockport offense. That certainly helps us in our preparation for this week’s game. They (Rockport) will use their quarterback much like Liberty Hill used theirs.”

Gordon the Plumber says Go Hawks Beat the Pirates

Gordon the Plumber says Go Hawks Beat the Pirates

The ReSporter: How has your practices gone so far this week?

Coach Drum: “The kids are excited, we had our best Monday practice than we have had in a while. The kids have confidence but it is not a cocky confidence. They really want to play Liberty Hill again and that has helped in giving them a little more incentive in wanting to win this game.

“We have to be two fold this week….we need to be attentive, they (Rockport) will pop the pass every once in a while, but we will need to stop their run, they run about 84% of the time.”

The ReSporter: This season you have a plus 13 on turnovers this season, how has that helped?

Coach Drum: “Yeah, we have really done well with that, in two of our games the turnovers were the direct result in losing that game.”

“We went into our bye week in wanting to improve our special teams and being able to do a better job of ball security.”

The ReSporter: Well that cartainly has been a huge improvement as you have change the field position by having those kick-off returns and being able to force turnovers.

Coach Drum: “We have had some good games and we can win if we can go without having turnovers and we are night and day different than where we were during the first part of this season.”

The ReSporter: You hear it all the time from Coaches about having a chance to have these extra practices when you get to the playoffs. Tell us how that has worked so far for the younger players?

Coach Drum: “This his good for the overall program and running a scout team in our practices. The fact that they can run the same offense as we prepare for Rockport has really helped.”

“They (the younger players) might not realize this now, but they are getting better with all these extra practices.”

Y4 Custom Homes wants another victory over a Pirate when you face Rockport Fulton

Y4 Custom Homes wants another victory over a Pirate when you face Rockport Fulton

The ReSporter: Have the Scout team given you all you want?

Coach Drum: “Those freshman have a good team and with adding the JV to that group has really been good. We have a lot of good young players coming up.”

The ReSporter: Anything else to add?

Coach Drum: “We are excited and ready to play…as Coaches it is your dream to be able to practice during the Thanksgiving week when all those traditional football games are being played. Winning this week will allow us to have that experience and then next on our list would be having a chance to play in December.”

The ReSporter: I hope all those dreams are realized…The ReSporter can’t wait for December when the weather will start to warm up!!!

Go Hawks Lay it on the Pirates!!