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Coaches Corner, Volleyball | November 14, 2014

Coaches Corner with Volleyball’s Kimberley Paisley

The ReSporter: First off you overall thoughts on this past year…

Coach Paisley: “The season started off with goals that we as a team set as soon as the teams were made (during

Head Volleyball Coach Kimberley Paisley

Head Volleyball Coach Kimberley Paisley

two-a-days). The goals we discussed were navigated by me because I believed the things we discussed were very attainable for this group of hard working young ladies. I knew we could be co-champs, district champs, or second place in our district. I knew we were making the playoffs and going 2-3 deep in playoffs. I knew school records would be broken. When I hung the “Gold Ball” in their face (which is a trophy that will have their names on it) they were hungry and dead set on attaining these goals.”

The ReSporter: Second, what would you like to say about the Seniors on this past year’s roster?

Coach Paisley: “They were ready to make their last year memorable. They believed in their team and the program and wanted to leave a legacy. They wanted to build tradition.”

The ReSporter: What will be your goals for next year’s team and how will that be realized?

Coach Paisley: “I have the same expectations for next years team, because they will be just as capable. Its about maintaining and building up from the year before. We still have the resources and players that are very hungry and wanting to beat records they have already beaten, and go get the new goals for next season.”

The ReSporter: Give us an idea of what you have in the tank and how those incoming players will impact the team for next year?

Coach Paisley: “Powerhouses: Regan Mickey, Bailey Drum, and Addison Farley will be a huge core of the team coming back. We have Hannah Wunderlich who came around the second round and into the playoffs with such intensity with her serving game and attacks at the net. She really has stepped up her game. We have some intense, hard working players from this years JV and Freshmen teams that will make huge impacts in the programs future.”

The ReSporter: Sealy looked like a carbon copy of your team and they just beat Navarro as they keep climbing that Playoff ladder, What could have this year’s team done to right that ship last week?

Coach Paisley: “We played tough against Sealy and they played tough against us. I felt they had tad bit more of experience. It was definitely great for the returning girls to get this experience and get the feeling of what it is like to be there. Hopefully this carries over to the next season and the next seasons to come.”

TheReSporter: You have been on those State Champion Teams and I wanted to know how far do you think this next year’s team is away from matching and exceeding this year’s campaign?

Coach Paisley: “I believe that next year’s team will accomplish as many things as this years team did, and they will raise the bar because they have that experience and the fresh taste of success!”

The ReSporter: Thanks Coach and the Hawk Nation looks forward to seeing just how high a Hawk can fly for next year.