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Football | July 1, 2015

2nd Football Hurdle for the 2015 Season

Hawk's Defense will be a key ingredient for having a successful season.

Hawk’s Defense will be a key ingredient for having a successful season.


Next Hurdle for this year’s Hawk Football Team is that huge elephant in the room.

if you can’t see it, then The ReSporter will give you a hint.

If you are lucky then you are a Texan in the State of Texas.

Yes, that school to the North of us called Wimberley.

This team has had our number for several years now, as CL has been able to scrounge just one win these past 7 years.

In last year’s game, Canyon Lake had the lead till the very end, until a desperation pass was received for a Texan win.

That game was a heartbreaker for the Hawks as they went into the game with a 2 game winning streak and what seemed to be some needed momentum based on how those past two years had the Hawks trying to get enough wins to hit the break even point.

Then there was the game that had two undefeated teams four years ago and Wimberley taking the Hawks to the wood shed for a not to pleasant encounter with a paddle.

The good news for this particular hurdle is some recent success with Wimberley in the lower grade levels as well as the Hawks first win two years ago over the Texans.

Why clearing this hurdle would be good for the Hawks is in the name, as Wimberley has name recognition and that alone gets them in some headlights around the state.

Gordon the Plumber supports Hawk's Football

Gordon the Plumber supports Hawk’s Football

You will certainly remember their recent State Championship in 2011 and that is a great billboard to have as you enter into any city.

Wimberley is also mentioned in the top 20 rankings in some of your summer football magazines and a win over the Texans would help in getting Canyon Lake some notoriety as this would be the fourth game of the year.

Clearing the Blanco hurdle and then hoping for wins over winnable teams like Smithville and Marion would put CL at a 4-0 record with a final non-district game with Lampasas and some major feel good momentum.

A one point loss is still hard to fathom from last year’s game as Canyon Lake gave way to many gifts in that loss.

Taking care of the ball and playing, Hawk clock bleeding offense, would help make this home game a good jumping board for the rest of the season.

So clearing the first two hurdles are certainly doable but in football you will always have those intangibles that can come and trip you up, whether you are talking about turnovers, penalties at the wrong time, a special team play, etc.

You get the idea that there are many variables in any sport and football is certainly not void in giving many avenues to discover what could have been if such and such would happened this way.

A lot of close game losses last season and this was just one that hurt a little more based on when and how the loss came to be.

Last year’s JV game with Wimberley was incomplete since the game was called at the start of the 4th quarter because of lightning. The Hawks had won the statistical battle up to that point, but just not enough data to call either team a winner in that match-up.

One thing for certain in this game will be calling it as another chance for a close game where the little things will be magnified again and again to help decide why a team won or lost.

Last year’s stats against the Texans will show you bout CL’s, 7 fumbles and loosing 3 of them in what would be a game of looking at all those little things in finding out how the Hawks lost.

 2015 Game Stats      Texans      Hawks
 Total Yards          289         368
 First Downs          11          21
 Rushes/Yards         22/90       54/247
 Comp/Att/Int         17/27/1     5/5/0
 Passing Yards        199         121
 Punts/Average        1/46.0      0/0
 Fumbles/Lost         1/1         7/3
 Penalties-Yards      6-50        3-35
 TOP                  20:34       27:26

 Passing              Comp  Att    Pct   Yds   Int  TD
 Skyler Tschoepe      5     5    1.000   121   0    0

 Rushing              Att   Yds   Ave   Lg   TD
 Hayden Dubois        21    112   5.3   16   3
 Robert Woods         21     86   4.1   23   0
 Josh DeVries          8     34   4.3   10   1
 Skyler Tschoepe       4     15   3.8   10   0

 Receiving            No    Yds   Ave    Lg   TD
 Jake Merritt          1     64   64.0   64   0
 Josh DeVries          1     26   26.0   26   0
 Evan Schuller         1     22   22.0   22   0
 Robert Woods          1      9    9.0    9   0

Canyon Lake has a chance of clearing these first two hurdles and if they can, then having a turnaround season vs. a season where you start slow and end up strong, that has been the case these past two years.

Less than a month before those football practices start and The ReSporter will have 3 more hurdles that will present themselves to this year’s campaign that if cleared could lead to a better overall record and season.

Go Hawks!!