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Coaches Corner, Football | May 15, 2016

Coaches Corner with CL’s Charley Drum

The ReSporter: Coach Drum, give us an idea on how your off season has progressed.

Canyon Lake's Head Coach Charley Drum

Canyon Lake’s Head Coach Charley Drum

Coach Drum: “It has gone real good…we have more than ever involved as we have 4 teams and we are excited about the numbers in hopefully getting some depth for next year.”

The ReSporter: Does this might mean having enough players to specify either on offense or defense?

Coach Drum: “Luckily that will be the case, we have the numbers with the lower grades but you might have enough for the lineman but not the skill positions, so it is still a wait and see game.”

The ReSporter: I know in the past, Mountain Valley would send students over to Canyon Lake this time of year and have an opportunity to show them the ropes, is that still something that is done?

Coach Drum: “We go over there during their athletic period and we will have several of our coaches with those students.”

The ReSporter: Will you be having 7 on 7 this year?

Coach Drum: “Yes, we will start June 7th and it will be once a week at our field and we have Wimberley, Blanco, SAC, and Johnson City and other schools that will be coming.”

The ReSporter: As you know, how good a team is usually starts with the offensive and defensive lines…How are we looking in that area for the team?

Coach Drum: “It looks good with our offensive line as that has not been a big problem for our school as having those ‘blue collar’ players has not been a problem to get….we now have a chance of getting the skilled kids.”

The ReSporter: What do you look for with your defensive line?

Go Hawks!

  Go Hawks!

Coach Drum: “We want to have a little faster defensive line.”

The ReSporter: I know you have had to bring in players in the line to help keep a good line, but that will many times be a tiring happenstance when those students don’t get any rest.

Coach Drum: “We are trying to have two platoons and we are real close and that will help in not having gassed players during the course of the game.”

“We will still have to pick when we will use players both ways during the game.”

The ReSporter: What are you looking for on the defense team wise this coming season?

Coach Drum: “We did not have a lot of Seniors on defense but the ones we had were good athletes and so we will be looking for players with good ball skills and we will have to find kids who can replace three guys.”

The ReSporter: Offensively?

Coach Drum: “Flip the switch for offense as we have 10 returning.”

The ReSporter: It seems you have an abundance of running backs now for your slot-t.

Coach Drum: “We have a slot-t halfback that is a bruising player and our tail backs can play and they have had a good off season…..competition helps bring the best and there is no position that is locked up.”

Hawk Proud!!

                   Hawk Proud!!

The ReSporter: What are your thoughts on the new district this year?

Coach Drum: “Boerne will be tough as they are very smart and we will need to make good decisions when we play them….”

The ReSporter: Last year you had to get another team because of all the players you had, is that in the cards for this year?

Coach Drum: “Yeah, we had a lot of freshman and having that team can give the players a lot of confidence and helps keep them going instead of standing on the sidelines. We will have kids develop and pass the others…but we will be in the process of finding and looking for other schools that will have enough players to have another team.”

The ReSporter: Back during the Summer before that 8-2 season, you could come to the school during your speed & strength time and the players were a buzz on how well they would be that year which certainly became the best season at Canyon Lake, have you seen that same sort of enthusiasm with this crew?

Coach Drum: “They are talking and they want to be the first District Champions and they want to get that going.”

The Resporter: Final thoughts?

Coach Drum: “I am real excited and the kids have worked hard.”

The ReSporter: Thanks Coach and we will  see you in August!!