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Coaches Corner, Volleyball | May 13, 2016

Coaches Corner with Volleyball’s Kim Paisley


Coach Paisley doing what she does best: Motivate

Coach Paisley doing what she does best: Motivate

The ReSporter: What do you do different this year compared to last year when you had so many girls that had so much experience?

Coach Paisley: “Well, no matter what group you have and how experienced they are, we give them every opportunity and push them to be the best they can be. We lost 7 seniors after this season, but we as coaches will challenge and push our athletes to be the competitive athletes. We are never the exact same year to year, and we have a totally new dynamic of a team this upcoming season. We will be teaching on a more tactical level with game situations and really express the “why’s” behind what we are teaching.”

The ReSporter: What have you seen so far that has made you say this could be another good year?

Coach Paisley: “We are the same Hawk team as far as expectations are concerned, but I have seen some great strides the girls have made through the offseason and club season. We really do have some great returners and some great kids that are up to the challenge filling in the holes left by this past year’s seniors.”

The ReSporter: What have you seen so far that has made you say, we will need to get that corrected going into next season?

Y4 Custom Homes supports Hawk Volleyball

Y4 Custom Homes supports Hawk Volleyball

Coach Paisley: “Some of our communication and trust on the court is rusty because we have some players playing together for the first time as a whole. It will get fixed and we will be ready to go.”

The ReSporter: What are the girls doing this Summer to get ready as August is right around the corner?

Coach Paisley: “They are have busted some tails during offseason in the weight room, and will continue to hold strength with participation in the CLHS Speed & Strength Camp, SM Summer League, private lessons, and open gym this summer.”

The ReSporter: Back in the day when you were at Wimberley you had the chance of defending your title…..what can you take from those years to impart to this year’s team in defending their title?

Coach Paisley: “Don’t back down. Fight. Be the best you can be ALL OF THE TIME, and don’t expect to have anything handed to you. Back in day, we walked onto the floor every match with confidence, and with the attitude, we were going to win, because we prepared and practiced for every match like winners. That is what you instill into the girls, and that is what we believe!”

The ReSporter: What do you do different this year or is each year different based on what type of squad you will have on the hard wood?

Go Hawks!!

         Go Hawks!!

Coach Paisley: “We keep it consistent as far as fundamentals and expectations, but take certain drills and manipulate them to fit what that season’s team needs. We focus on what our weaknesses are and practice hard on those, and recognize our strengths and perfect on those.”

The ReSporter: What ‘Bucket’ Lists do you have this season?

Coach Paisley: “We will compete at our tournaments and bring home hardware. We will defend/seek a district championship (even though the district is not quite the same), and we will make the playoffs. These goals are attainable and we will be focused and ready to go! Bring it on 2016 season!!!! We are ready!!!!”

The ReSporter: Thanks Coach and again Congrats on a great year last season and do it again. Go Hawks!!