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Football, Game Article | August 18, 2016

Final Scrimmage with La Vernia as Blanco Looms Next

Junior Lester Boehme makes his mark in scrimmage with Bears

Junior Lester Boehm makes his mark in scrimmage with Bears

With rain all week long, the Hawks took the field on Thursday afternoon and found sunshine and a great afternoon for football.

Canyon Lake also closed their exhibition season with La Vernia as the overall picture was positive with the Hawks doing well in several areas with the Sub-Varsity squads while the Hawk Varsity played a great set of plays in this contest.

“I think we came out better as we stepped up our competition while learning a valuable lesson on not putting them away,” Head Coach Charlie Drum started.

After having several plays of scrimmage the two teams had two 12 minute running clock to close the final part of the affair.

The Hawks started their play by dominating both defensively and offensively. With the first 3 Bear possessions being stopped by 2 interceptions and one recovered fumble.

Then CL scored on their first time with the ball while showing domination early on giving Coach Drum a reason for what wisdom was gained in this game.

CL was On-Point in Scrimmage with La Vernia

CL was On-Point in Scrimmage   with La Vernia

In those two 12 minute periods, Canyon Lake scored twice and held La Vernia to one touchdown in the waning moments of that second period.

“They were out there by themselves,” Coach Drum commented on how those 12 minute periods had no coaches out on the field to help with each play. “Blanco will be another animal and we will need to play with energy and do the little things.”

Blanco has had the Hawks number for 3 years running and now the Hawks will have to figure out how to beat a Panther like they just beat a Bear.

“We were very efficient passing and we will need to do two things with defending the pass and improving our passing efficiency,” Coach Drum finished.

The Hawks did not have many passes fall to the ground as there were several passes thrown and caught which would certainly help put opponents in a tough defensive quandary in knowing how to stop a running offense that can also pass.

Sophomore Defensive Back Trenton Lorett readies for Blanco next

Sophomore Defensive Back Trenton Lorett readies for Blanco next

“This has been something we have been focusing on during the offseason and really the last two scrimmages we are getting our confidence in it,” Offensive Coordinator Troy Moses said passingly. “If I don’t have confidence that we can execute the pass then it is tough for me to have a lot of passing in games.”

Defensive back, Trenton Lorett did have some good plays with a few pass break ups on the day and that will certainly help this Sophomore as he readies himself for the real deal coming soon.

“I could do a lot better,” Lorett said with resolve. “I had some good stuff but you can always get better and keep trying hard….we just know they (Blanco) are good and we are good too.”

Canyon Lake will now be down to one week to go before the real show starts next Friday.

Sub-Varsity teams also held their own with the Freshman having a solid set of downs against their counterparts.

Horseshoe Grill wants to have a special on Panthers next week

Horseshoe Grill wants to have a special on Panthers next week

The Freshman had several explosive plays and the Hawk defense was just as effective.

“I thought we worked as a team and we worked great,” Cody Daily said. “The Coaches led us in the right direction and we just needed to execute.”

Daily also commented on how this group of Hawks will need to accomplish as they get ready for their first High School game next Thursday.

“We did good this week but we will need to work on our attitudes and don’t blame others and try to focus on your self,” Daily said poignantly.

The Junior Varsity had a stealth player in the backfield as this player has speed out the wazoo and that was what he used on scores for the Hawks.

Freshman Cody Daily will make his presence known starting next week

Freshman Cody Daily will make his presence known starting next week

First year player Lester Boehm was the stealth as he was lethal on the jet sweep and with his speed was not touched on a couple of his touchdowns.

“I thought we played well,” Boehm said with conviction. “Our defensive line did well and put pressure on their quarterback.”

On what he was thinking after making the corner and seeing on open field, “It felt like track with the run being open and then all I had to do is finish.”

Boehm has been finishing for the Hawk Track team for two years now as he starts into his Junior year.

“The Coaches are patient with me and I am learning,” Boehm said like a student. “I am going to work as hard as I can to be able to get on Varsity….I need to learn the game and have fun.”

It was a fun night as the score did not matter and knowing the next game will be even more fun if combined with a win.

Go Hawks!!