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Boys Basketball, Coaches Corner | January 19, 2017

Coaches Corner with Lucas Chapman

Basketball Coach Lucas Chapman

The ReSporter: How do you find that magic potion in getting consistency from your players?

Coach Chapman: “We just have to continue to talk about it and emphasize it. It’s about trying to do all the little things each and everyday. Those little things make the big things happen. If you don’t do a good job of taking care of the little things, then the wins and successes don’t come. We just have to stay with the process.”

The ReSporter: This group of Seniors will have a chance of being the first to have a chance to make the playoffs, what has separated this group from the past teams?

Coach Chapman: “Well we were in the playoffs last season and got a little taste of it, so having that experience will help going forward. This group has played together for a long time and played a lot of basketball. We have never really had that before, so I think that plays a big part of it.”

     Go Hawks and Beat Bandera

The ReSporter: What, if anything, will you change going into the second half of district play?

Coach Chapman: “We will make some minor adjustments depending on the game, but at this point in the season we just have to get better at what we are doing. As a coach I have to guard against trying to do too much and just try to get better at what we are doing. We just need to continue to refine some things and make some little improvements in different areas.”

The ReSporter: What game this year was the best all-round game and why?

Coach Chapman: “I think we have had several games where we played really well and played to our potential. The first was the Gregory-Portland game in the Marion tournament. We beat a very talented 5A team. We executed well on offense and played a great defensive game. The second that comes to mind is the Karnes City game. We just physically man-handled them and beat them up. We also got some big stops and made some big shots down the stretch.”

The ReSporter: The bench scoring has fallen off the past few games, is that one of the biggest reasons for the inconsistency?

Coach Chapman: “I don’t think that is really a concern at this point. Scoring is important, but there are a lot of

Go Hawks & Bring Home the Bacon!

other things that we look at where our bench helps us out. The guys we have coming off the bench have the ability to come into the game and make some very important and pivotal plays for us.”

The ReSporter: How do you change your substitutions in order to make the bench more lethal during a game? Or do you stick with your first option in hoping one of those players will start to get into a rhythm?

Coach Chapman: “A lot of it will depend on match-ups and how the game is progressing. Obviously we will go with the hot hand if there is one, but I do think allowing certain players to get into a rhythm can be a positive. A lot of our playing patterns are determined by practices and what is shown there. Based on what we see in practice can sometimes really impact who is in the game and how much they are in the game.

The ReSporter: Good Luck this Friday against Bandera and Go Hawks!