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Coaches Corner, Track & Field | February 7, 2017

Coaches Corner: Boy’s Track Troy Moses

Hawk Relay, 4×400, with Chance Martelli (alt), Heath McDonough, Tanner Faris, Austin Camacho, Brandon Courtney (not pictured Lester Boehm (all but 1 returning)

The ReSporter: What has been the turnout so far for the Track & Field athletes?

Coach Moses: “Just like every year the beginning to track season is kind of slow when you talk about numbers. With Basketball, Swimming, Soccer still going on, a lot of kids are finishing up those sports and then we get a better understanding of the turnout we will get. But with that said we have a good core of kids that we are working with right now.”

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The ReSporter: How are you going to craft this team as this year has the potential of being one CL’s best?

Coach Moses: “I agree with you….We have the “potential” to have a very good team. We have won the JV District Championship that past two years and have been right there in the mix on the varsity. Our concern is to stay healthy and strong all season. We don’t have the depth that we might have had the past couple of years, but our top kids are very good.”

The ReSporter: Do you anticipate some cross-over boys coming from other sports (Baseball/Soccer/etc.) and how do you work with these guys when they are involved with other teams?

Coach Moses: “Soccer, yes….. Baseball not so much. We try our best to work around the other sports. We can get a good work out for a kid in about 30-45 minutes, so we will ask them to come in the morning at 7:00am or we will wait until they are finished with their other practice.”

The ReSporter: What do you know about this year’s district as we know that Fredericksburg is always tough in this sport?

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Coach Moses: “Compared to the district we were in the past two years, it’s kind of a trade off. This new district will not be as fast as the past but they will be much better in the distance races and the throws. We will be much more competitive in the Relays, Sprints, and Jumps. As always we put a big focus on our hurdlers, so we expect to dominate in that area.”

The ReSporter: How do you assess the Meets in what you are expecting from the students? In other words, you are not wanting them performing at their best yet, but you also would like to see if their first run or throw might have a faster or further jump/throw in the future. Confusing question….let me state it another way…..how do you know if their first event might be their best or if they have more in their tank to improve?

Coach Moses: “Every time we step on to the track we want to compete to our full potential. Our season long work out is designed so that we are running our very best come the District Meet. I will always believe that we can get more out of an athlete. If an athlete has their best performance of the season the first meet and doesn’t improve then I think that is just as much the coaches fault as it is the athletes. We ALL must be striving to improve every week.”

The ReSporter: What have you seen from the Freshman crew as this early stage?

Coach Moses: “Right now our Freshman numbers are not where I would like to see them. Some are still playing basketball and some have decided to play straight baseball. We will continue to try to persuade those to give us on the track a chance.”

The ReSporter: Give us your Grade starting this season on which part of the team is the strongest:

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Field Events? Coach Moses: “HIGH JUMP – With the return of Heath and Caiman McDonough this will be the strength of our field Events.”
Running Events? Dash vs. Long Distance? Coach Moses: “We are still trying to develop a Distance program.”

Hurdles?  Coach Moses: “The strength of our team. Brandon Courtney and Garrett Wilkins plus there are several young prospects.”

Relays?  Coach Moses: “The School records in all three relays will be broken this year.”

The Resporter: Thanks Coach and a, Go Hawks Faster for the Track team this year!