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CL Hawks Softball Win Alumni Game in Hopes of Making new Memories

Top Left, Coach John Gallagher, Caroline Jordan, Coach Mary Beth Gallagher, Kelsey Ahrens, Tonya Waller, Alex Henderson, Brianna Young, McKenna Beseda, Kirsten Jones, Vicky Henderson, Missy Romero, Lizzy Henderson, Tiffany Arredondo

Canyon Lake’s Softball Team had a chance to play a game against the Lady Hawk’s from days gone by as the the Alumni game was enjoyed by all on a Saturday with food and honoring two former students.

This was a Saturday game that allowed the Softball and Canyon Lake High School a chance to pay respects for two recent events.

The loss of Heather St. John to cancer last August 15, 2016 and Megan Browning who lost her life in a car accident this past January 15, 2017.

Both of these young ladies had played Softball as well as other sports during their time at Canyon Lake.

Megan Browning and Heather St. John were both teammates during Canyon Lake’s playoff run in 2011 and many of these alumnus ladies knew and played with Browning and St. John while in high school.

The game had the following former students in attendance for a chance of having or giving a history lesson.


 name               year’s playing    softball history tidbit
 Tiffany Arredondo  2009-10-11        3rd place with 39 stolen bases
 Caroline Jordan    2009-10-11-12     .351 on base percentage
 Missy Romero       2009-10-11-12     2.77 era and 42 wins
 Tonya Waller       2011-12           Now coaching softball with future Hawks
 Alex Henderson     2009-10-11-12     13 game hitting streak during 2011 season
 Vicky Henderson    2010-11-12-13     best short-stop, just gobbled up ground balls
 Lizzy Henderson    2012-13-14-15     raised batting ave by 213 pts from her Jr thru Sr year
 McKenna Beseda     2012-13           2nd place with a .376 batting average
 Brianna Young      2012-13-14        season best with 33 rbi’s and 24 walks for the ’13 & ’14 
 Kelsey Ahrens      2012-13-14-15     2nd place with 6 home-runs and 24 doubles
 Kirsten Jones      2013-14-15-16     season best of .589 on base percentage in 2016 

This was actually a good representation of players as the Hawks have not graduated off many players as of yet for this still budding school.

The present day Hawks got their first runs in the 3rd inning when Cassidy Martin started off with a single that was followed by a walk by Carley Dubois.

Tiffany Arredondo with The Slide as Bailey Bryan waits for the call.

Two more singles by Marley Carrizales and Bailey Bryan got two consecutive rbi singles and what would prove to be enough runs to ‘stand up’.

Which is not the way Tiffany Arredondo played this game as this Mother of three reached first with a single and then on the overthrow to first base, made a mad dash to 3rd base with a head-first slide.

There was some discussion on the call being safe or out but their was a quick ruling, that any alumnus that has a head first slide and the play is close, will have an automatic safe call by the umps for future contests.

Unfortunately for Arredondo, she was left stranded with nothing to show for her hustle but a loss of quarters for a washing machine, as her jersey would need to be cleaned on her return home in Lockhart.

The Hawk Alumni left the bases loaded in their next inning and that would seal the deal before all softball rules were thrown out the window as that last inning would result in having several rover’s in a crowded outfield.

Canyon Lake’s present team did have the bases loaded in their 2 run 3rd inning and the CL Alums had a nifty double play ball when third baseman Kelsey Ahrens got a one hopper and threw to Catcher Brianna Young for the force out and then a Young throw to first base would get that final out.

This was not a bad exhibition for a current Hawk team that is rated 20th in the State according to Texas Girls Association Softball Poll.

The Hawks will be playing for keeps when Tuesday comes calling and the Boerne Greyhounds are at the Hawks Nest.

Brianna Young is teaching the present Hawks on how not to block the plate.

Boerne won their first district softball game, 10-0 over the Bandera Bulldogs and this contest will be a time of reckoning for the Hawks.

It has been a while since a game of importance has been played and this absence of games will be a concern when the Hawks go to battle on Tuesday.

Looking back at last year’s team and comparing their pre-district stats, with this team’s, has several areas that are similar. Last season, that Hawk team started district play with some one run losses that ballooned to a losing streak that knocked them out of contention early for a chance of making any noise.

District play will always cause for some different outcomes and how Canyon Lake reacts to a harder schedule before district started compared to last season will be tested in hopes that this Hawk team will be able to rise above those hurdles that will always be present.

The Alumni game had lots of laughs and lots of food and having a chance of reliving some good times and now this present Hawk team will see if they too can have a season to remember!!

Go Hawks!!