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Coaches Corner, Softball | February 7, 2018

Coaches Corner with Softball’s John Gallagher

Maggie Banks is ready for a strong finish in her Senior Year.              (photo by Karen Holmes)

The ReSporter: What are your initial thoughts after your first scrimmages?

Coach Gallahger: “I was happy with how we played for our first scrimmage. Our varsity players played strong defense and all our pitchers threw pretty consistent. We rotated three catchers who did a good job as well. We didn’t hit as well as I would have liked but with a mixture of four lineups going it was hard to get a lot of at bats for any one player. We had some key hits and showed some power early on.”

                        Go Hawks!!

The ReSporter: Give us an idea of the new players we will have a chance to see this year. What is their major positions?

Coach Gallagher: “For varsity we have Kenzie Sayles a freshman who hits, and runs very well along with being a good outfielder/shortstop/pitcher. Another freshman Kaylee Puente looked good behind the plate showing a strong arm.”

The ReSporter: Last year you made the playoffs, so how will this year’s edition do in relation to that team? Offensively? Defensively?

Coach Gallagher: “This year we will challenge in our district with a very solid team. We have some depth at several positions which gives us a variety of lineups to use.”

The ReSporter: Pitching is the key in Softball big time, give us an idea of how and who will be in the Circle and what they bring to this year’s games.

Coach Gallagher: “Both our pitchers, Madison Puente and Maggie Banks, are healthy and could be the key to finishing strong in our district. Both throw hard and have different styles which will help keep batters off balance.”

                   Go Lady Hawks!!

The ReSporter: You had a very successful freshman class last year, will that pipeline form Mountain Valley Middle School have that same caliber this season?

Coach Gallagher: “Our freshman continue to play a role. We have 4-5 very athletic girls which will help both teams develop this year.”

The ReSporter: How many girls will you have this year and will it be enough for having a Junior Varsity team?

Coach Gallagher: “As of now we have a solid twelve on varsity and a few more working for another spot or two. We should have a very competitive JV team this season with some talent at key positions.”

The ReSporter: Give us an idea of the Pre-District schedule and what you hope to have accomplished before those district battles start up.

                    Go Hawks!!

Coach Gallagher: “This years team should be solid. We lost Dubois and Weber which are hard spots to fill on both sides of the ball. We are a year more experienced and should be battle-tested by the time district roles around. I expect us to be in the playoffs again this year but finish stronger at the end of district.

Our schedule is loaded with quality teams such as Wimberley, Marble Falls, Burnet and Navarro. We also are playing in the Canyon tournament facing good 5 & 6A teams like Canyon, New Braunfels, Steele, and Seguin.”

The ReSporter: Thanks Coach and The ReSporter looks forward to covering this year’s Hawk Softball Team. Go Hawks!!