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Coaches Corner, Volleyball | June 5, 2018

Coaches Corner with Volleyball’s Kim Paisley

The ReSporter: Do you change things up, or do you keep to the same type of regiment in between your seasons?

Coach Paisley: “I am always a believer in consistency and especially with the conditioning and weight room regiment, along with expectations during the off-season. As for skills, we adapt to what group of kids we have returning, and need to focus on most. Passing and defense is always a must and is a skill we try to perfect every season.”

      Head Coach Kim Paisley

The ReSporter: What might be different when Canyon Lake fans come out to watch this next season?

Coach Paisley: “We lost 7 seniors and 5 of those players were starters. Our fans will see some new faces in these starting positions, and these returners are hungry for the competition!”

The ReSporter: Can you give us an idea of what type of players from MV that will be walking the CLHS halls this year?

Coach Paisley: “We had a very talented and competitive 8th grade group this past season and we look forward to having them next year as freshman! I really enjoyed working with them in their athletic period all year, and watching them compete throughout their season! This incoming freshman group is aggressive, ready to work, and competitive bunch! They are always listening and soaking in what you teach them. We are excited to see what they will bring to the program!”

The ReSporter: Your schedule has a look not seen ever, by the ReSporter, where you will have 3 road games during the first round of district games, how did that come about and what, if anything, will change in your preparations for that type of gauntlet?

 Way to Go Hawk Volleyball

Coach Paisley: “In our district meeting when looking at scheduling, we have to figure out what works best for our volleyball programs and in coordination with other fall sports and activities (ie. Homecoming). We as a district do not allow a 4-1 situation to occur (A 4-1 situation means: 4 home/away matches each round of district play). Having 3 road trips the first round of district doesn’t concern me and I know our athletes will be physically and mentally ready for the challenges of playing on the road. We will have 3 home games to close out the second round, and we accept any and all challenges. All teams play at both sites, home and away, the order of in which these matches occur, is not a mental block for us.”

The ReSporter: Would you share your thoughts on the next two years in playing new schools and also having a larger district?

Coach Paisley: “We welcome the challenge of facing new teams. Our backbone rival, Wimberley, is back in our district, and we are excited! Llano is new to our district and we will be ready to introduce ourselves when that game arrives!”

The ReSporter: Let’s change and have you put your ‘other’ hat on in being the Ladies Athletic Coordinator, give us your overall view on this past season and how well this group of athletes performed.

Freedom Mail Center says Way to Go Hawks!

Coach Paisley: “We had a very exciting year in girls and boys athletics! It has been very exciting to see the growth of these programs over the last 5 years, I have been apart of CLHS! To recap our year, we had an exciting Fall season for Football and Volleyball, where both teams had a good run in playoffs and Football won a District Championship! The success continued when Boys and Girls Basketball made the playoffs, and the girls won a District Title! Then the Spring Sports followed in carrying the same beat of the drum! Boys and Girls Soccer making the playoffs and Baseball, Softball making the playoffs! Softball had a Co-District Championship! Boys and Girls Track had an amazing season as well, with our boys track team winning both District and Area Meets!”

“This success comes from our athletes working hard in and out of season! I’ve seen so many athletes put in the extra work over the summer/pre-season, with open gyms, camps, Speed & Strength, and private lessons/training’s. Every year, more and more student-athletes have been putting in the extra work and really laying the foundation for these programs to be successful. It is also exciting to see the coaches continually trying to improve and implement news ideas and ways to bring out the best in our athletes and programs!”

The ReSporter: Do you foresee more of the same when this next school year commences?

 Go Hawks!

Coach Paisley: “We have high expectations and standards that hold our athletes to this level, and our athletes hold each other accountable as well. This is what makes our athletic system stronger each year and athletes able to continue the success we have had at Canyon Lake!”

The ReSporter: I know you would want every team win a District Championship, so what are your expectations as you and the other coaches get their teams ready for competition.

Coach Paisley: “We are striving to be the best each year we compete! That is on and off the field/court! We all want District Titles and we know, as coaches and players, that we have to work our hardest and prepare mentally and physically to achieve this. Coaches prepare for the next season soon after our season is over. We reflect on our seasons, and do our best to keep motivating and get the best performance possible from our student-athletes.”

The ReSporter: Lastly, talking with Coach Drum the other day, he mentioned how all the Coaches are competitive and want to raise their team based on how the other Hawk Sports perform. Can you give the casual fan/parent an idea of how that might be a motivator for you?

Go Hawks!!

Coach Paisley: “We, as a coaching staff, support each and every program! We encourage our athletes to be involved in multiple sports! We want our programs to be well represented and to showcase our talents and growth of Canyon Lake Athletics! The Pride we have in what we do as coaches and players is contagious! It becomes an expectation and standard student-athletes want to be apart of and we are very excited for the future successes!”

The ReSporter: Thanks Coach for sharing and the Hawk Nation looks forward to the start of this coming School Year.