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Football | May 26, 2019

TOP 10 Canyon Lake Teams After First Decade-Countdown

     So. Running Back Zach Henshaw rushed over 1000 yards during 2009 Season.


The ReSporter has just finished our 9th year being the Canyon Lake Sport’s source.

Canyon Lake High School has finished their 10th year and The ReSporter wanted to have a count down for a Top 10 Sporting Events/Teams.

The ReSporter would like to confess, these opinions from the Staff (one person) for this count down, is certainly not written in stone and there will be other renditions for a top-ten. Having a chance to cover all of the sports will give The ReSporter a different perspective.


That is why you can comment below each article and by doing help in starting a great discussion as we start our two months of Summer before having a Hawk Sport outlet in August.

Thanks for being a part of The ReSporter these past 9 years as our mission has been to help give the Student’s a place to show off their talents in a newspaper void for this area. Yes, you might get a decent article from the surrounding tablets once every so often, but The ReSporter will give you student interviews as you can see a more complete rendition for these deserving young people.

The ReSporter would like to encourage you to help with placing an Ad. That would help with the traveling costs and time spent in doing this endeavor. Yes, it is a passion and having this monetary help can go a long way in keeping this venue to continue. Our Advertiser’s are the back-bone of of this community and deserve our support.

This past season there was 280 articles and our FaceBook Page averaged right at 1500 views on our articles per week.

With 80% of our readership coming from the surrounding area and 20% composed of the Texas Metropolitan areas of Houston/Metroplex townships.

                    Hawk Proud

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Don’t forget, to all of those Parent’s that like to scrapbook, you can do a find for your child and have those pages printed.

Thanks and now let’s get to the Top 10 Sporting Events from CL’s 10 Birthday.



Canyon Lake had finished their inaugural year (2008) with a team comprised of mostly Sophomores and Juniors that acquired a lot of bumps/bruises to show for a 1-9 record.

There was a lot of hope for that second year but nothing was thought of a winning record and working for a chance to make the playoffs. Back during this time each district race would have 3 teams with a chance to be entered into a post-season portal.

                Way to Go Hawks!!

When that horn sounded at the end of that opening game against Blanco the whole Hawk persona had changed in a blink of an eye. Canyon Lake had changed immediately with a different set of goals of what might be possible and attained in the coming weeks and months.

Blanco and 8 other schools during that first season had their way with the Hawks and each week Canyon Lake would be licking their wounds after walloping losses.

Now, with this win, CL knew they had evened the playing field and beating an always tough Blanco team had a way of instilling enough confidence into a team that it would continue throughout this campaign.

The Hawks finished that year with a 6-5 record and had surprised wins over Liberty Hill, Llano, Blanco (already mentioned), Fredericksburg, and Gonzales. Ingram Moore would not be a surprise after being the only school that The Lake beat on their first try.

Canyon Lake gave China Spring a scare in that first play-off battle and had a chance to continue their season.

CL had a legit defense that year and was bolstered by Eric Nelson with his 9 interceptions, which for many years, is more than defensive teams can produce in total.

          Proud of Canyon Lake!!

A solid defensive line that matured and held a lethal Liberty Hill slot-t attack to an opening touchdown drive and was shut-out the rest of the way in winning, 14-7. This defense was anchored by J Garrett Grooms, James Richards, and Jacob Phillips.

Linebacker Bobby Flint led Canyon Lake with 435 career tackles had 146 tackles during that season.

On the offensive side of the ball, Quarterback Ross Wagliardo, had some very capable receivers, Nelson, Drew Riccio, Christian Pena, Joe Shone, etc.

Canyon Lake had their first 1000 yard rusher with Sophomore Zach Henshaw who still holds most of CL’s rushing marks.

All in all this was a team that had the type of season that gave CL’s other teams an idea that being a year older would prove that having a winning season was possible and a chance for playoffs. It would be a year CL’s teams would not take up a residence as a last place team like their first year had.

That alone allows this team to be picked as our #10 pick for Canyon Lake’s first 10 years of competition at the varsity level. Those games not only raised the football waters on Canyon’s lake but all of the boats (Hawk Sports) would be finishing with a much improved team and record.

Go Hawks!!