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Game Article, Volleyball | August 7, 2019

CL Hawks Start 0-2 in Volleyball against Liberty Hill & Clemens

    Hawks prepare for another set in second game to start season last Tuesday.

Canyon Lake’s Volleyball Squad started a new Hawk Year of Sports this past Tuesday against two powerhouse School’s in losing to Liberty Hill and Clemens.

“These two schools were very good,” Head Coach Kim Clemons started. “We started the year with some solid showing’s in our scrimmages, but these two schools were much tougher. This is what I wanted to see in how our girls would compete as we get ready for Tex-Fest starting this Friday.”

                    Go Hawks!!

Canyon Lake has a youthful group of ladies and comparing the top grade schools with the games this week-end will help give a good idea of how this season can continue to improve.

“I don’t like to start 0-2 but those two losses were to two good teams,” Coach Clemons continued. “I am looking forward to having two full practices on Wednesday and Thursday before we play on Friday.”

“We have some things we need to work on, obviously and playing in a tough Tex-Fest Tournament will help as we are preparing for district,” Clemons said.

           Go Hawks!!

Clemens beating Coach Clemons’ team would just be off one letter and that was the closest CL would get in pulling off an upset in this opening 3 team round-robin battle.

Canyon Lake will be back in action playing 3 games on Friday in Wimberley. The Hawks will start service at 10am against Somerset at the Middle School Court 1 venue.

A noon start with Salado and then finishing off that first day against an always tough Peaster team.

“I want to be a 1st or 2nd seed after our start on Friday,” Coach Clemons stared matter of factly. That means just a one loss day will be acceptable as this season continues in it’s infancy.


Canyon Lake vs Liberty Hill: 15-25, 7-25, 21-25
CL Leaders:
Kills-   Vorhis & Robinson  6
Asslsts- Felps             14
Digs-    Felps             11
Aces-    Robinson           2
Blocks-  Vorhis             1

Canyon Lake vs Schertz Clemens: 7-25, 11-25, 10-25
CL Leaders:
Kills-   Wunderlich         5
Assists- Felps              5
Digs-    Robinson & Felps   8
Blocks-  Filinger & Shear   1

CLJV lost to Liberty Hill:     8-25, 16-25
CLJV lost to Schertz Clemens: 14-25, 14-25

CL Fresh lost to Liberty Hill: 15-25, 6-25
CL Fresh beat Clemens:         14-25, 25-16, 25-22