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Sport News | May 14, 2020

Senior 2020 Broadcast Blast!!

                                    Mason Lee making contact on a fastball and another Hawk Win. rr[Photo Credit: Mark Robinson / MJR Photography / www.mjrphotog.com]

CLB will host a live broadcast from BAJA’s back patio on the lake Saturday May 16th from 12-3 pm overlooking the marina in front of a live audience.

WOW wants CL to WOW their Opponents Next Year!!

The show will be heard on the CLB sound system as the show takes place for the audience on location! If you can’t make it- then as usual it we will be sending it across the fruited plains and around the globe via live stream!

We will have seniors from the class of 2020 with interviews on a look back to a year that was 1/2 there….We will look at careers, stats & facts. We will also host some of the CLHS coaches as well and get their point of view on this seasons topics as well.

Its will be the lighter side of sports entertainment for sure!!!!!
……and don’t worry we have a trunk load of giveaway’s of all those favorites you have come to love from our sponsors !!!

So come on out and enjoy some outdoor fun and food at BAJA’s with the whole Family Damliy!

See you there!!! CLB- The Voice of the Hawks!

To hear the broadcast go here: Link can be found here two days before the broadcast Link to Broadcast when you see a Green box that is your entry  OR on CL Broadcasting FB page or hilltopresporter.com

Student Athletes – Brandon Robinson, Kay & Maddy Puente, Alex Hardin, Marley Carrizales, Maddy Harwell, Matt Anderson, Maddison Churbe, Caleb Williams, Cassidy Felps, Mason Lee and Cale Claycomb.
CLHS coaches – AD Charlie Drum, Assit. AD Clemons, Baseball Coach Lancaster, Softball HC Galloway, Head women’s Track Coach &- OL line football Coach John Barthels.

Thanks- Cory Martelli
CLB- The Voice of the Hawks