Ladies Head Track & Field Coach Sami Theurer Coaches Corner

Alencia Lentz set an all-time record at Hallettsille Track Meet earlier this season and in The Texas Relays reached, 13-01.
Track & Field will be the showcase this coming Monday when District 28-4A will be coming to Canyon Lake for this year’s Meet.

Run Fast-Jump Far & Throw Far HAWKS
The ReSporter was able to get a response from new Ladies Head Coach Sami Theurer on this season and upcoming meet.
The ReSporter: With Soccer going longer this year how has that hindered or helped the progress of those athletes?
Coach Theurer: “We only have a few athletes that will be competing in the district meet that have come from soccer. Those few kiddos are competitors and want to do well. They have been getting in their track workouts during our morning sessions. And this week preparing has been super important.”
The ReSporter: I think running the relays would be hurt the most based on the ‘team’ aspect of those two events…what are your plans with that event as you prepare for district?

Way to Go Lady Hawk Tracksters!!
Coach Theurer: “We have been working our relays every day and trying different combinations. Definitely focusing on our speed and working at 100%.”
The ReSporter: What has been one of your first thoughts so far when people ask you bout this group of ladies that are competing?
Coach Theurer: “I really feel like we have come together as a team, support each other, push each other, and celebrate each other and our teams victories!
The ReSporter: There are schools in thus district that can accumulate points with shear volume of athletes participating…how many do you have this year and what can be done to recruit more athletes for track & field?
Coach Theurer “My understanding is that we have increased our numbers from last year, which is about 40 girls now. With positive experiences and success comes popularity, so our successes this season will hopefully increase the want and desire to join a growing program and be a part of our Hawk success.”
The ReSporter: What events would be your recommendation to watch during this year’s district meet at Canyon Lake and why?
Coach Theurer: “We have girls in a lot of events that are worth watching and we are uber excited! Monday will be the 3200 m first and final, along with all the field events. Don’t miss Lentz pole vaulting and Patterson running. Wednesday will be all the other running finals and the incredible relays. We are hoping that our varsity girls (Ortez, Schroeder, Oberholtzer, Pipkin, George, Lightfoot, Hammer, Harrison, Eaton, Vigil-Gafford and Wheat-Bourgeois) really fight for our spots in the area meet.”
The ReSporter: Thanks Coach and good luck!!